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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    Newbie in Ga.

    As far as subs go, how much space do you have available as well what kind of budget and vehicle?
  2. Sencheezy

    Newbie in Ga.

  3. Sencheezy

    Box help for 4 subs.

    Ok let us know, its just really hard to play the guessing game with enclosure measurements, unless somebody else here has that exact vehicle and knows off hand. Even then we don't know how much the dirver is willing to sacrifice.
  4. Sencheezy

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    looks good
  5. Sencheezy

    Box help for 4 subs.

    Need those numbers to really help you.
  6. Sencheezy

    SSA Customer Rewards Program

    Yeaaaaah, about those SSA amplifiers and that 4000rms subwoofer you talked about once before.. Hinting at the fact you had two things in the pipe for the time being. Well, since then, the Zcon has been released, and the Fcon is in final stages. With those two thing out of the pipeline within the next few weeks, how soon can we hear about this 4000rms subwoofer of yours There is another sub woofer line planned after the Fcon, but it will not be 4000 rms. I don't remember speaking about such a driver personally. With our build costs being on the high side, we don't have the funds to crank out 7 new things every 3 months. "Only cone pix of the drivers. These are not being made anytime soon. We have two other things in the pipeline (at least we plan) first." Post #23 I may have tooken this wayyy out of context, is what usually happens when you do wishful thinking That was before the zcon, a prototype. I believe. The motor was absolutely massive. But stefan, the zcon has been in devolopment for 3years, so in 2010, the zcon and fcon could have been the two subs in the works at the time of the post. but again, I could have taken this wayyy out of context.
  7. Sencheezy

    Regina's 03" Durango

    What event was this again and what class was she in? I wonder what that 148 guy had?
  8. Sencheezy

    SSA Customer Rewards Program

    Yeaaaaah, about those SSA amplifiers and that 4000rms subwoofer you talked about once before.. Hinting at the fact you had two things in the pipe for the time being. Well, since then, the Zcon has been released, and the Fcon is in final stages. With those two thing out of the pipeline within the next few weeks, how soon can we hear about this 4000rms subwoofer of yours There is another sub woofer line planned after the Fcon, but it will not be 4000 rms. I don't remember speaking about such a driver personally. With our build costs being on the high side, we don't have the funds to crank out 7 new things every 3 months. "Only cone pix of the drivers. These are not being made anytime soon. We have two other things in the pipeline (at least we plan) first." Post #23 I may have tooken this wayyy out of context, is what usually happens when you do wishful thinking
  9. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Looking Gooood
  10. Sencheezy

    Sig's are here! updated

    2012 ICON Banner?
  11. Sencheezy

    SSA Customer Rewards Program

    Yeaaaaah, about those SSA amplifiers and that 4000rms subwoofer you talked about once before.. Hinting at the fact you had two things in the pipe for the time being. Well, since then, the Zcon has been released, and the Fcon is in final stages. With those two thing out of the pipeline within the next few weeks, how soon can we hear about this 4000rms subwoofer of yours
  12. Sencheezy

    Regina's 03" Durango

    Damn, sorry to hear that bro. I never told you, but I did a 140.3 @ 45hz the other day. I was SOO tempted to drive another four hours to come see you guys thrusday as well since I was off Friday but was mad tired.
  13. Sencheezy

    SLOW build on a 2001 GMC Jimmy

    Thank you sir! It will look even better when they're mounted with the Bravox CS60K's installed!! Well what you waiting for, christmas?
  14. Sencheezy

    SLOW build on a 2001 GMC Jimmy

    looking good Alton
  15. Sencheezy


    I believe you need 22 more posts to sell anything here. And its in the wrong section as well.
  16. Sencheezy

    2011 Mustang V6 Alt

    I'm not sure I could fit that large of an alt.. I dunno which is the problem plus it's a new car and new engine so IDK if they have one for it. hmmm, if not, what would ya do? lots more batteries and external charging on a regular basis probably. hmmmm, maybe you could send in your current alt to get "beefed" up?
  17. Sencheezy

    2011 Mustang V6 Alt

    I'm not sure I could fit that large of an alt.. I dunno which is the problem plus it's a new car and new engine so IDK if they have one for it. hmmm, if not, what would ya do?
  18. Sencheezy

    2011 Mustang V6 Alt

    Julian I've asked the very same thing man. They said that the 270a is a "proven" alternator and recomends that I remove A/C and run mulitple alts
  19. Sencheezy

    Budjet Amp?

    I would honestly going with that PP...I've had AP, didn't like it, reason being is I had it on my BTL at one point, so was wanting more power, and asking more power out of a AP1500 isn't the smartest idea. On the other hand, I recomemded it to my local, reason being is he had two lower rated subs, so he wasn't needing any more power than oh 800 watts, so that amp suited him well at that time. I now have AQ, and well, its eh. I like it, and it pleases my Icon very well. But I have this strange feeling that I'm not geting 1200watts without sending too much clipping. just my .02
  20. Sencheezy

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I spy a basketball hoop
  21. Sencheezy

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    I can see 7 subs going in there with port in the middle above the trany below sub number 4
  22. Sencheezy


    http://www.jamestowndistributors.com/userportal/main.do - An amazing place I just found that has many equipment pieces. Haven't looked through site as I'm currently looking just for fuses, and they carry a 700amp fuse block which is wow. They also have distro blocks and many other things.
  23. Sencheezy


    http://www.independentrecording.net/irn/resources/freqchart/main_display.htm - Interactive Frequency Chart
  24. Sencheezy

    SDS Questions

  25. Sencheezy

    4 IA 20.1S on 4 PSI 18s!

    Looks very nice.