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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy


  2. Sencheezy

    New to SSA

    Why have I seen this intro before?...
  3. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Here is a few more pics guys, and some short videos I've taken. Excuse the quality, just a avg P&S camera. And here are the short videos. So let me know what you guys think!!
  4. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Thanks! Yes me too lmao Yeah thanks Nem, I was too really suprised how much "custom" look it gave my eX. haha Phuck yeah its great news!! Yeah, me too.. I will NEVER again take anything to that shop. Its a local shop that is an "authorized" repair center. I haven't had my working shit since Apr 27th!!!! and theres nothing wrong with itttttt FML, but, when taking it out, the usb port thing did break off. Said total amount due is 75$, thats on top of the 45$ money put up front. So I'm like, it cost 120$ to do what again? lol w/e man. Thanks! I really love this grille, and have been getting a lot of compliments lately Thanks tim! yeah man, thats the plan, should look badass, I think i'm gnna get a green led strip. Lights for this project will be green. hell yeah, its official, I sent M.O. on thursday morning, so I'm hoping he will be able to ship them off monday or so. I will be getting equipment last at this point lol. Only reason getting the amps was because of the price, plus trying to help phil out at the same time. I know how much he is wanting to upgrade, so I'm helping him at the same time. Even though hes not running ssa anymore >X( lol
  5. Sencheezy

    Sub advice

    Good choice
  6. Sencheezy

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    haha check out the lil man!
  7. Sencheezy

    * Trevor's 2010 Audi A4 Trunk Build. Sundown. Fi. *

    Looks really good!
  8. Sencheezy

    shipping on a subwoofer?????

    lol yeah shipping sux!
  9. Sencheezy

    Audio Technix CCA 1/0

    Exactly correct. this
  10. GAWD DAMN IT tim!!, phuck yeah bro, I like what i'm seeing!!!
  11. Sencheezy

    Alternator Schenanigans

    hope it gets worked out
  12. Sencheezy

    Audio Technix CCA 1/0

    dang son
  13. Sencheezy

    SPL Tips / Tricks

    I would suggest visiting the shop ASAP, prior to event, that way you can perform different variables. Thats the best way to get your best score, is to just try everything that comes to mind. Windows down, windows up, door open, door closed, changing port tune/air space, etc...
  14. Sencheezy

    AA mayhem 15 tuning

    As most have said, 32-36 is good for daily, if you want, you can build a double duty box, one port for daily, one port for comp. I don't recommend that choice, but some have had success with it.
  15. Sencheezy

    Sub advice

    I have a 15" zcon right now, on a aq1200, and its amazing!!! lol But haven't heard the Zv3 in person, but have heard great reviews. Honestly, I don't believe you can go wrong with either order.
  16. Sencheezy

    Is it enough?

    Place volt meter somewhere descrete, like in armrest or something. Do big three, and just monitor you voltage, or, if you don't want to install that, then just monitor with a DMM. If the voltage is somewhere you feel uncomfortable, then start adding things, such as an extra battery. But I would advise you to just see where your at now, before you have to spend money.
  17. Sencheezy

    99 4runner, 3WMD2 18'S...OPTI6000D

    DAmn! I'm really likeing the start, keep posting the pics!
  18. Sencheezy

    For The Love of DubStep

    Love that skrillex tune
  19. Sencheezy

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

  20. Sencheezy

    A Mini RE Audio XXX 15 Review

    really nice review!
  21. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    On mobile here, just made a stop, and for the hour or so I've spent listening to the fixed system, u can finally say I LOVE my Zconnnn!!!! Wow, amazing.
  22. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT Great phucking news everybody! I'm FINALLY phreaking loud agin!! So simply too smh. All I needed to do, was get a new ground. Before, I had sent the grounds from the amps through the floor board, and onto the subframe. I thought this would be ideal, which still may, but I guess I didn't do it right. There was a screw that was holding in the brake line I'm assuming and it went into the subframe, so what I iniially did was just sand down the protective coat, and basically piggy backed onto that bolt. Then sprayed some Rust-O-Lium on it. Thought that was it. Well it worked for the first few weeks, maybe a month or so, not exactly sure. But since my first event, at MECA in Murfreesboro TN, back in march or so, thats when I started having issues. My symptoms were: Coil scratching noise at higher volume Sounding unlinear I'm assuming low voltage as well, since the LEDs on the ZED would flicker very badly And just not loud Low notes didn't go to well either and would make a coil rubbing noise All this from a improper ground. Crazy to me. But anyways, what I did was unbolted the ground from the subframe, and as soon as I looked at it, all I said was "wow". And started to smh realizing how bad this has gotten over time. It appeared to be very corrodied. So I sanded down both terminals, one ground from each amplifier. found a new location inside the cargo area, a bolt that was utilized for the 3rd row seating I had taken out, sanded that surface down, and WaLa, just like that. It was not the RCAs, it was NOT the Headunit, it was NOT any fusing, not any poor wiring, not any of the enclosures or anything! All from a simple ground!! So now whats left is to retune everything. Will do that once I get home. But the ride home from work here in a few hours will definately be enjoyed! A few other things, I will be purchasing Liljestrand's BC5500s tomarrow, really excited about that. I recently ran into some engine problems, had to replace the radiator, that was a big help. But now it seems that there is a gasket that is needed to be replace, the one that belongs to the thermostat. So I may replace both the thermastate and the gasket of course. I know I've rambled on a bit, but wanted to explain my scenerio, just in case someone else may ran into something similiar.