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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    Interesting site...check it out

    Site seems to have some good and also some bad things in there. For example, it says that there is NO drivers out there that can handle anything above 1krms for a week? I laugh at that statement.
  2. Sencheezy

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    Damn bro, that sux, I hope you get everything figured out man. Fuck going SQ hardcore, this is exactly why lmao. Too challenging for me! With so many variables to tackle, and how expensive it can be, all the trial and error, etc etc etc!!
  3. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Sup Family, I was finally able to get that money that pucking owed me from that stetsom 10k. earlier last week, the detective told Blinky that if he didn't have the money by that friday, he will have a felony on his record. So magically, he had the money lol. But the only thing was, that I had to drive down there to NC to show ID and to pick up the check. So this is what happened. Wednesday night, I worked from 11pm-7am, then drove to NC as soon as I left work. Got there, cashed it. Drove back home right away, got home around 3am. Then Friday morning, I went to get my headlights blacked out, didn't have a ride home, while the work was being done, so I stayed the entire time. Didn't get done to 7:30. After that, went to wash my car, and got home around 9pm. Theeeeen, had a car show this morning, left the house at 8:30, and then now i'm here at work, since 3pm-11pm. Damn its been hectic. On the way to NC, I was getting, around 21mpg. I've been having anti-freeze problems lately. So when I get there, I changed the thermostate. After that, on the way home, i was getting 24.7mpg!!!! I got 500 miles on one freaking tank!!! Thats just, ungodly to me, lol, coming from a shitty 96 explorer. Lol, another funny story though, there was a guy with a pickup truck in front of me, on the highway, were traffic was going like, 2mph for whatever reason. And, I was playing some song, The Motto, and, lmao, the guys back window was busted out, and he replaced it with some plexi-glass. Well, my nasty ZCON was flexxxing it! I couldn't believe it. Here we are, on the highway, windows wide open, and this guy's window in front of me was flexing from my bass. I was just like wow lol. Hows everybody else doing? Hows everybody's builds coming along? Chuck, Chop, David, Shizzy?
  4. Sencheezy

    Interesting site...check it out

  5. Sencheezy


    Awesome! lol hellz yes
  6. Sencheezy


    Hello, During the sale that !!!Blinky!!! aka Jayson had going a few months ago, I purchased a working Stetsom 10kd. Long story short, as I am fully aware that he is now marked as "scammer", I filed a police report with both Nashville Police Department as well as his local police department. I am asking for anybody else that has been scammed or felt the sour end of the deal, to please file a fraud report against him. If you believe there is nothing else you can do at this point, please, at least file a complaint, so that they are aware of this person being a scammer for multiple victims, and not just little old me. All the contact information and sources are as follow: User profile: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/user/28118-blinky/ Original for sale thread: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/130727-stetsom-10ks-7ks-quick-sell/page__p__1838531#entry1838531 Scam Report 1: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/136704-blinky-is-a-scammer-buyer-beware/page__p__1926200#entry1926200 Scam Report 2: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/141463-thanks-to-scammer-blinky/ Jayson Honeycutt 7271 Suits rd. High Point NC, 27263 336-410-2533 Randaugh County Police Department 336-318-6699 I spoke with Catha Wright Again, please, if you had any history with this seller, please at least just call them and tell them your story so that they are aware of this person. He has blocked me on FB after I have been very polite and patient with him.
  7. Sencheezy


    Long story short, I got my money back
  8. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    So I got my headlights done this weekend. Here are some pics to share Let me know what you guys think!
  9. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    I am I am!!!
  10. One of thoz stefan! lmao Nice shit brosky, you better wait for that damn alt! Lmao at the end, "well that sucks" Your daughter looks just like your wife son! lmao Man those walls of thoz trailors are super thin, can't be shakin pp's walls down and shit lol
  11. Sencheezy

    sundown lincoln

  12. Sencheezy

    08 scion xb^2 B2 products galore.

    Well about damn time you did something with you build log. Damn the shit looks nasty, durtier than thurty days with no detergent nasty!
  13. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Thanks nem! I can't wait to use em'. Thanks Doub! Got beef? hehe, Good thing you too have one on the way I don't drink that much but damn I'm seeing double!! lol YEA you are! Or maybe your just getting old again hehe. j/k Well it appears that I will be investing in a burp box for the zcon. Once these batts get here, along with new terms and wire, I will burp one 5500 on the zcon, and if that goes well, maybe, just maybe, I will burp both on the zcon Very early in desing process for the future of this build, but some ideas that have been swirling around this little head of mine, wanting to be the loudest daily in Nashville as well as the loudest SSA eXplorer, I have my work cut out for me. So with that in mind, I am considering dual alting and steping up to 16v and run 4 18s behind C pillar. But again, this is a few months ahead so, we will see where things end up...
  14. Sencheezy

    Ssa icon or kicker l7

    I own a Icon, and I've experienced a few l7s. I will say Icon hands down for many reasons I chose not to list so that I may avoid the name of "nuthugger" but would list if you so request.
  15. Sencheezy

    16v testing

    Thank you steve, I will give that a try.
  16. Sencheezy

    For The Love of DubStep

    DubStep + The Weeknd + Ellie Groulding = WIN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVAE2MiuTAw&feature=autoplay&list=PL249737181867AA1E&playnext=1&shuffle=12341
  17. Sencheezy

    4 15's and a 08 yukon

    Hells yeah man, looks great!
  18. Sencheezy

    Better sealed option??

    Yeah, I doubt you will be able to get an opinion, based on those two drivers. Even if so, they will sound different in your application. I know the Icon sounded crispy clear. I suppose just do some research on the ssd, and go from there. I know a select few have already gotten their hands on the gcon, and love them. Both drivers listed above will sound great. So it may just come down to cost, like shipping and all, or just which brand you think would look cooler maybe? haha. But in all serious, you can't make a wrong decision here.
  19. Sencheezy

    Better sealed option??

    Well what is your application? Are you looking to squeeze out every bass you can, or are you looking for a flat respone and a good overall sound? Either way, there really isn't much of an difference. If your looking for which setup woud be louder, there really won't be an difference if this is just an average install. If you have the room, I would suggest ported. But then again, I just don't know your style.
  20. Sencheezy

    6 15" Obsidian's and 10k......the rebuild!

    wow nice job!
  21. If its every once in a while, I would simply run down every connection.
  22. http://www.engadget.com/2012/06/18/us-3g-and-4g-networks-face-off-once-more-verizon-just-squeaks-win/