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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    epic dubstep hairtrick!

    Were you even watching or see a hair trick? I have a strong feeling you may have been distracted by something.
  2. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Get that burp box designed! I'll be ordering shit really soon!
  3. Sencheezy

    epic dubstep hairtrick!

  4. Sencheezy

    The PT Bruiser, 159.5db!!

  5. Sencheezy

    16v testing

    Hello, I was just wondering if there have been any posting of any of the amplifiers tested on a 16v setup. Clamped or not. Just interested what these would do, also, at what voltage will they go into protect. Really interested in the information abover for the 5500 series. Thanks
  6. Sencheezy

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    hey you stole my pic!
  7. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    I had a great weekend with the shows I would like to thank all of the organizations I'm part of! Team SSA Team IAK Project Mayhem Car Club MECA 2nd place "Poor Boy's Classic Chevy Club Show - Waverly TN 2nd place "June Jams" - lebanon TN (Show & Shine - SUV/Van) Most Improved "June Jams" - Lebanon TN 1st Place "June Jams" - Lebanon TN (S1) I did a 141.1 @ the Headrest with no tuning/prep work off a 30amp fuse Most action to come soon! I will admit though, between just traveling, gas, food, entry fee and everything else, this can be a damn expensive hobby. The things you don't think about lol. I REALLY wish steve of MECA would order some better damn Trophies! LBVS! I know there is suppose to be sentimental value behind these, but damn, 9.99$ just makes it depressing. The trophie I got from Sat's show is heavy AF with real marbel/wood. I think these are 59.99 each. But of course, MECA has no sponser, from some reason, so I guess I could understand that. It was very hot today, over 100 degrees, but I did enjoy myself, minus the heat.
  8. Sencheezy

    For The Love of DubStep

    Lets get it started for an amazing sunday/weekend!!
  9. Sencheezy

    sundown lincoln

    what is that? thats me throwing a party for you yo!
  10. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    FTMFW!! Thanks! Hell yea i do lol awww thanks Chucky poo bear I can't see for shit though at night lmao.
  11. Sencheezy

    2- IB315 in the trunk

  12. Sencheezy

    For The Love of DubStep

    That was so Phucking EPIC!!!!
  13. Sencheezy

    For The Love of DubStep

    Why must I feel like I must sing the lyrics!!!
  14. Sencheezy

    The Lincoln old setup

  15. Sencheezy

    Pic of the ENTIRE IAK Family

    Maybe we can get something up at the event in October, I'm going!
  16. Sencheezy

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    congrats bro!!
  17. Sencheezy


    Email Mark or Aaron would be a good start.
  18. Sencheezy

    SLOW build on a 2001 GMC Jimmy

    Looking good! Although, I never run RCAs on the same side as power/ground cables. Love the use of the grouments.
  19. Sencheezy

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    A few quick notes guys! My eXplorer did 25mpg and reached 500 miles on ONE TANK!! This was to NC and back. To pick up that check from Blinky Also, same trip, 17hr round trip, Full blast, got home, Zcon Cap was luke warm Start apprenticeship Wednesday at a Custom Car shop!! Won 2nd place at car show today, MECA event tomar Will be ordering Two d3100s from Tim VRY soon hehe
  20. Sencheezy

    Interesting site...check it out

    I just took a 17hour trip non stop full blast to my Zcon, grant it was only on a AQ1200, so give or take around 900-1100 rms. Got home, Cap was slightly warm
  21. Sencheezy

    Interesting site...check it out

    Site seems to have some good and also some bad things in there. For example, it says that there is NO drivers out there that can handle anything above 1krms for a week? I laugh at that statement. Does the statement before that say "constant power"? "There are probably no woofers that can even take 1000 watts RMS for over a week if not even past one day" I understand what the site was getting at though.
  22. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Oh wow really!? Hellz yeah man, I will be working at both of my favorite hobbies in the world, Custom Cars by day, School by night, and Computers by Night Night lol!
  23. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    damn another build! haha Also, really big news here, I start my apprenticship at that custom car shop on wednesday!!! I'm really excited about that!