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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    not like you havent seen some BTLs in action before

    Love the 2nd song man. good choice, also, nice sub selection
  2. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

  3. Sencheezy

    New guy on the block

    Well, usually, what you want to do. Is First, grab you're max dimensions, now, when doing this, you want to make sure you keep in my mind for other things. Such as the amplifier(s), battery(s), wires, etc. Once you find these figures, you will do the math, and see how much gross space you have. Then from there, you will calcute you're net, but subtracting the width of the material you are using, bracing, and also, you want to revisit this or take into consideration of the subwoofer(s) displacement. So then finally, you chose what and how many drivers you want to use, but you cannot forget about port displacement if you are going ported. I hope this helps.
  4. Sencheezy

    products the gearbox cnc offers

    Was that cut on the CNC? Maybe it's just the picture, but the cut doesn't look very smooth/consistent. yea, I see what you mean, throughout the cut, I see different width's, and the inside ring doesn't look smooth, toward the top right looking at the picture, just needs to be sanded down it seems, but maybe its the picture. *(whoops hit edit not reply-ak11667 sorry)*
  5. Sencheezy

    New guy on the block

    zack. What tips exactly were you looking for? Car Audio is a forever learning adventure.
  6. Sencheezy

    SSA Desktop Wallpaper thread...

    amazing!! I request MOARRR
  7. Sencheezy

    2007 Ford Escape build...

    Looking good man! Keep it up
  8. Sencheezy

    Help us welcome The Gearbox CNC to the Forum!

    I would like to see pictures.
  9. Sencheezy

    Team SSAudio 2011 Mustang

    DAMN that looks sexy!
  10. Sencheezy

    fi wallpapers

    Any love for SSA?
  11. Sencheezy

    fi wallpapers

    wow, those look amazing!
  12. Sencheezy

    Second Skin vs Sound Deadener Showdown

    The bolded statements: I haven't heard about/read this anywhere else in all the research I've been doing. Not saying it's wrong by any means, just a first time I've seen it.Is there much truth in that/been proven/verified anywhere? Thanks. - Dave lol no. You can LOSE Db's with some vehicle's installments.
  13. If I was to spend my money, it would go towards CA, I've used the aq1200 and was not the biggest fan of it.
  14. Sencheezy

    drive thru liquor store

    Those are every where up north, michigan/ohio, and I've only seen a few here in TN. But never in a barn haha.
  15. Sencheezy

    Sundown SA-12 and Skar VVX-12

    Its not a challenge to get "nothing special" subs loud, its all install man. And just because you have lets say, a 160db system, doesn't mean you will be listening at that levels on you're way to wal-mart. Also, I can't whip up any ideas as to what you can fit or not as I haven't seen any measurements, but I'm sure it shouldn't be too difficult to fit a single 12" in there
  16. Sencheezy

    Sundown SA-12 and Skar VVX-12

    Ok, so heres my advice, based on your resonse. If you are competitive as you say you are, and you're trying to compete with you're local friends with 2 15's and such, with only 1 12", I would up the budget now. You've stated that, you want to upgrade you're system, and I have this strange itch you are going to want to upgrade again. All that said, I would purchase a xcon. Just save up an additional paycheck or so, to do so. Patience is extremely vital in the Car Audio scene that many over look. Once you order the xcon, it would take up to 4-5 weeks to receive, which can be a good thing. What this would do, is allow you time to resource more funds, to spend on enclosure and other necessities for you're build. One thing many newer people don't realize, is that it cost money, to be loud. For me, the extra few bucks here and there are well worth the wait and savings, you get this accomplishment feeling, which again, to me, feels better than to say, "yes, its finally here". If that makes sense. Once you have all needed things, just go from there, take it one step at a step, and build you're way up. If you feel the xcon is too long to wait for saving up, then get the Icon, it has been recently revised, and I have videos of it playing in my explorer. I can give you a in detail review of it if you'd like. Either way, if you change you're mindset a little, such as being loud as YOU can be, vs being louder than you're friends, maybe things would turn out better than you had ever imagined
  17. Sencheezy

    Sundown SA-12 and Skar VVX-12

    Pretty easy decision for me, gcon.
  18. Have you asked dr. neal about this? I wonder what would he have to say.
  19. Sencheezy

    *Swift's Rebuild* 3 SP4 18's, 12k Walled F250

    So I've gotten a personal demo of said vehicle, and ummm, how do I put it?
  20. Sencheezy

    Suprised the V2 hasn't been posted

    Where did you hear of this from? Link?
  21. Sencheezy

    Suprised the V2 hasn't been posted

    I"ve never heard of it either?
  22. Sencheezy


  23. Sencheezy

    not that new but still new to most of you

    You sound very intelligent, hope to hear from you soon.