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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    Trying to step up my game

    I would first and foremost make sure you have enough space. In regards to finding a current subwoofer that is "close" to the 09 model, I wouldn't. I would try to find two more of the same year make. If you are unable to achieve this, then the next best thing will be to sell what you currently have, and purchase a set of 4 of something else.
  2. Sencheezy

    The Product Photo Thread

    I believe his and also my comments were a little insulting, his more than mine, but none the less, it was only our opinions on the product he decided to display...
  3. Sencheezy

    The Product Photo Thread

    Did "ChiLL"s post get deleted?
  4. Sencheezy

    Lets see if I remember how to do this

    I love seeing your work.
  5. Sencheezy

    Lets see if I remember how to do this

    Any more fisher?
  6. Sencheezy

    The Product Photo Thread

    Not to sound mean or anything, but the lettering on that got bass looks a bit janky? You said minor, but I see all kind of jagged edges every where. The top left corner of the "T" The "B" looks a little crooked and uneven, especially at the top left corner. The insides of the two "S"s look like they were carved by hand And then the "?", just looks all messed up. Again, I don't want to sound so judgemental, just saying from a consumers perspective. Maybe its the picture? Or maybe its not finished?
  7. Sencheezy

    New here

  8. Sencheezy

    Ethos motors have been ordered.

    The big MMAG sub I have spoke of before will not be ready till the end of next year at the soonest. It features three top plates which in turn creates three magnetic gaps that provide around 75mm of one way xmax at 70% BL. Since no baskets or softparts will currently physically allow that much movement, let alone be linear, I've got to wait for parts to be made. I do however have a Big overhung motor sample coming with the Ethos production that features a 11" OD 2" thick magnet and 50mm thich top and bottom plates. The coil used with is a 100mm long 3 inch 8 layer aluminum coil. I guess the waiting shall continue another year To produce newer softer parts and baskets to allow such travel, isn't that going to be one big investment on you're part? to pay for R&D and such? I got a great group of guys for R&D that have a shop full of goodies to minimize wasted time and effort. But like all new developments there is monetary investments to be made. Tooling alone to build one complete driver is roughly 50 grand As long as you have actually step foot into the venture, than I cannot do anything but wait in joy!
  9. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Ayo Chuck, I got you man
  10. Sencheezy

    Ethos motors have been ordered.

    The big MMAG sub I have spoke of before will not be ready till the end of next year at the soonest. It features three top plates which in turn creates three magnetic gaps that provide around 75mm of one way xmax at 70% BL. Since no baskets or softparts will currently physically allow that much movement, let alone be linear, I've got to wait for parts to be made. I do however have a Big overhung motor sample coming with the Ethos production that features a 11" OD 2" thick magnet and 50mm thich top and bottom plates. The coil used with is a 100mm long 3 inch 8 layer aluminum coil. I guess the waiting shall continue another year To produce newer softer parts and baskets to allow such travel, isn't that going to be one big investment on you're part? to pay for R&D and such?
  11. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

  12. Sencheezy

    Austin863's X-WAGON Build

    that was fast
  13. Sencheezy

    Another Q or Bl post......I know

    I would have chosen the BL.
  14. Sencheezy

    Ethos motors have been ordered.

    Any update on the higher spl line you spoke of once before?
  15. The best adapters I've found are http://car-speaker-adapters.com/ They can be sanded down if needed, you get money back if you send in you're install pic, and great CS.
  16. Sencheezy

    Question on power cable routing

    I would probably run it under, especially for that much power. Just think about how large the whole is going to have to be through you're FW to support over 11krms.
  17. Sencheezy

    Laurie's Build Log

    Looks good, I'm curious as to how well that brack works out. Not the dowels, but the wider ones.
  18. Sencheezy

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    you should come around more often. I was impressed with b2 at finals and jack sisco lives up the road from me. Yeah i started drifting out of the forum a bit do to school and work but back on here now impressed like always at this build. The lowrider lac at the heatwave with a B2 audio wall was pretty dam loud, did like 156 at 30hz. Who is jack sisco? Jack Sisco Rep for B2 Audio North America
  19. Sencheezy

    Second Skin **New Product Photos**

    wow Mark, nice job!
  20. Sencheezy

    HELP ME! Fi sp4 vs sundown SA

    My vote goes towards sp4 hands down.
  21. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

  22. agreed, looks tons better now man, keep it looking this way!