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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    Today's 4"VC Heavy Hitters

    Without a doubt.
  2. Sencheezy

    Zon 15 caught fire in a 4th order!

    <p style="margin-left: 40px">Also, that song being played in the video gives even my sub some issues, it hits very low towards the 3/4 note in the bassline. A lot of that will cause fire. Also, when you say you had no warnings, well duh, its in a fourth. I would say maybe got a bit careless. Its extremely easy to happen being involved with the music, and while focusing on driving, that plus playing over rated power, with a very dirty amp (iirc) to a sub that is in a box that is in a trunk that is sealed up. I would say all the ingrediants were there. Just be a bit more careful next time. No need for a fourth, just build a normal box and seal it from the trunk would be my advice. No bashing, just constructive critism bro, good luck on the next build!</p>
  3. Sencheezy

    Zon 15 caught fire in a 4th order!

    at 1:15 in that video, you say "audiopipe 3k at 2 ohms"??
  4. Sencheezy

    Zon 15 caught fire in a 4th order!

    lmaoooooo I have nothing to say!! Good note, new build for you
  5. Sencheezy

    For The Love of DubStep

    Nice!! Hell yeah. I'm really digging that "through the light" song!
  6. Sencheezy

    New to SSA

  7. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    well then
  8. Sencheezy

    My first SSA substage! Pair of 15" DCONS

    Love the pics!
  9. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Goal is by the end of this year.
  10. Sencheezy

    Gene Rosen of Sandy Hook Shooting Rehearsal Video

    If this is going to turn into a pissing war, of why "conspiracist" are right or wrong, then I will not reply again. I will not label myself as one. I simply believe, the more you're aware, the better. Just like any language, you will not what the symbols mean, if they are not for your understanding. I never call out anyone for not doing their own research, so I don't believe it is right to call out someone who does. No one should be knocked for ones beliefs/ideas/understandings/ or theories.
  11. Sencheezy

    Introducing the all new SSA Evil!

    I know you will be going for the loudest SSA vehicle. And I'm ok with that. My goal is to simply put up a 160.
  12. Sencheezy

    Gene Rosen of Sandy Hook Shooting Rehearsal Video

    But you are correct, I retract my statement. Barrack Obama - 144 (so far) George W. Bush - 291 Clinton - 364 George H. Bush - 166 Reagan - 381 Carter - 320 Ford - 169 Nixon - 346 Johnson - 325 Kennedy - 214 Eisenhower - 484 Truman - 907 Franklin D. Roosevelt - 3,522 Hoover - 968 Coolidge - 1,203 Harding - 522 Wilson - 1,803 Taft - 724 Theodore Roosevelt - 1,081 McKinley - 185 Cleveland II - 140 Harrison - 143 Cleveland I - 113 Arthur - 96 Garfield - 6 Hayes - 92 Grant - 217 Andrew Johnson - 79 Lincoln - 48 Buchanan - 16 Pierce - 35 Fillmore - 12 Taylor - 5 Polk - 18 Tyler - 17 Harrison - 0 van Buren - 10 Jackson - 12 Adams - 3 Monroe - 1 Madison - 1 Jefferson - 4 Adams - 1 Washington - 8
  13. Sencheezy

    Gene Rosen of Sandy Hook Shooting Rehearsal Video

    Obama has not made the highest number of executive orders. 23 were made on 1/16/13 alone.
  14. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    4 18"s Evils, 4 BC5500s, C-Pilar Flat Wall. That will be all.
  15. Sencheezy

    1 SSA ZCON on 1 BC5500

    This box is 4.5 @34hz with ~67cuin of port. With this amount of power, I would bring it down to ~3.5 HA! I would laugh at those comments. haha I know right! Crazy man, grant it, I have no intentions of killing it, but am definately impressed by the amount of power it can take, I don't have the gain down either />/> Thanks for the kind words Rick! Thanks Tim!! Umm, I'm not sure, I don't think so />/> My vehicle is a little ass backwards it seems when it comes to the general acoustics. Like, its not loud at all outside of the vehicle, only when you actually sit in. one day, one day... lol BS, It shakes the windows at my office before you even turn in the lot. WITH all your windows all sealed up. LOL hahaha, you sound like my co-workers who claim to hear me at the corner street light by my job. lol i think we all know thats not true
  16. Sencheezy

    1 SSA ZCON on 1 BC5500

    Here is my setup still going super duper dumn stupid hard after well over half a year. Cup trick, flex, woofer porn, big ass plastic bag trick. 148db in the kick.
  17. Sencheezy

    Introducing the all new SSA Evil!

    Damn you swift! After I JUST told you about my ideas, there you go >.>
  18. Sencheezy

    A Suburban A Warhorse and a Pair of SMDeez

    Wow, is it THAT easy?
  19. Sencheezy

    2007 Ford Escape build...

    wow, nice little project you got going on here! Keep us updated.
  20. Sencheezy

    Gene Rosen of Sandy Hook Shooting Rehearsal Video

    Wow, I'm very impressed Jon. I had no idea you were this open! haha. But yeah, in short, there is just simply a lot of things that do not add up. Which I would agree me and you have already found several things that would justify the inaccurate events. All of the things you have mentioned I have researched myself. Its not them taking away our 2nd amendment away that scares me, its them taking away our libertys. We already don't have any as it is really. They can come in, with no warrent, no reason, shoot your wife, and simply state that their reason was based off of "suspicion". Once they implement everything, its going to be a much different world. Police state, city cameras, LPR's, RFID's, no arms, "stop and frisk", fucking obama is playing god right now and its really pissing me off. No other president has ever made more "executive" decisions in presidential history.