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Everything posted by Sencheezy

  1. Sencheezy

    sundown lincoln

    I like the new attaack plan Jon, good luck man.
  2. Sencheezy

    Shizzzon's Scion TC

  3. Sencheezy

    SSA Evil 18" Goodies

    Damn you NEM!! You placed a break in my thread!! haha Thanks for the kind words though!
  4. Sencheezy

    My "Why Fi" Promo vid :D Pls Like :)

  5. Sencheezy

    Dead set on purchasing Fi Q12 but question...

    I would recommend JWH Enclosures, you can find him on Facebook.
  6. Sencheezy

    15" SSA Xcon D1

    Nice setup you had there, definately didn't know you were running 3500 sealed! haha. Any vids?
  7. Sencheezy

    Modified Crescendo BC3500d's

    Hey man, great showing today.
  8. Sencheezy

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    Damn that sucks.
  9. Sencheezy

    Shizzzon's Scion TC

    thanks for the fix!
  10. Sencheezy

    '05 f250 new pics thread

    Not again. Not again. damn.. yall aint never going to let it go huh? hahahaha well no, no ones prego here. they all loveddd it though haha. titties did pop out when we got back ;)/> very nice sets if i say so myself Pics or it didn't happen!!
  11. Sencheezy

    '05 f250 new pics thread

    Not again.
  12. Sencheezy

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    <p> </p><p> </p> <p>I'm sure he will be able to explain his score far better than I can.<br /> </p> <ul> <li>doesn't know peak frequency</li> <li>2 ohms rising to 3.6ish</li> <li>box is not sealed internally</li> <li>box is not sealed from rear</li> <li>that song peaked at 36hz</li> <li>stradegy, 2nd event of the year</li> <li>poor class placing, should be M4 or M5 IMO</li> <li>Meter at headrest</li> <li>Not a whole lot if any tuning or testing</li> </ul>
  13. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Yeah for srue! Thanks. We are trying to hold it down. It doesn't seem like nobody will touch Swift's scores today, I'm sure he will post results later. I'm a little upset they placed Sean in Rad class, but his install is just crazy haha, sounds really good as well. MECA is really falling down as far as Quality is concerned for their meets, quit dissapointing TBH IMHO. Still was a great showing. It was pretty ugly today, so not much pictures taking. We also may have a 3rd member joining down this way. I'm going to see about that
  14. Sencheezy

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

  15. Sencheezy

    Lifted PSD build log

    Haha I definitely lol'd at that comment. learned what? lol ill be running each sub at rms so no wirries! and iv never done a 4th order myself so why not try something new?? He is talking about the 4th order your friend used that caught the zcon on fire. There are risk at ANY power when running a 4th order, that may be greater than utlilizng a traditional ported enclosure. The reasons to not running a 4th order can be many, but manly the difficulty of properly not only designing, but as well as constructing.
  16. Picture of manuel? Maybe we can help translate what it is saying for you.
  17. I am only posting this for observational reasons. F.i. SP4 18" Fully loaded 3,000rms - $564 plus shipping DC Audio Level 6m2 4,500rms - $1,200 MAP iirc SSA Evil 3,250rms - $799 Shipped B2 Audio XC 3,000rms - $1,650 Online Warehouse Tantric Sounds SHD 5,000rms - $735 plus shipping Crossfire XSv2 2,000rms - $1,299 plus shipping Sonic Electronix AA SMD 3,500rms - $899.99 plus shipping (v2 coming soon)
  18. Sencheezy

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

  19. Sencheezy

    New Here
