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Team Maf

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  1. Team Maf

    Question on running my 40.1 at .5 ohm

    If you do, DO NOT TUNE at anything but exact Voltage/gain recommended my ia20.1 was based for 34.5v at 0.5ohm(as me and my friend figured out) I tuned the gain up a notch above that..no bass boost, and that was the end of my ia20.1..funny thing it didnt even warm up as I felt it the last time before it rocketed out some smoke. Only under certain circumstances.
  2. Team Maf

    I need my ia20.1 repaired

    just minor impatience but im waiting yet
  3. Had it wired low as chit (<0.5ohm) and just cheeched it after a few runs on the term lab. Any info on repairs? Email was sent already with no response.
  4. Team Maf

    30.1 :)

    30.1 = for those looking to run assumably around 3kw of power without hassle. Break it all down. Ia20.1 could push some nice power but at what cost to the internals(heard they can draw alot but 3kw output?) Ia40.1 dualy power inputs, 4kw+ power...a little too much for some wheres the in between? EXACTLY If these release soon ill be looking to snatch one up ASAP.