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Everything posted by EricCameron

  1. Yes I'm still in bed and I love it

  2. Who would want to attend a vape/car show and add a sound off august 30th in Lynn MA! Who would go? Andy Walunas Fabio Corredor Nick StJohn Leo Christopoulos Scott Scott Timothy Clarke Treg Dembitzki Thacher Evans Steve Nespl David Doyle

  3. Need more sleep but meh

  4. Definitely pissed that my alt isn't coming out tomorrow, it would have sucked if someone bought it huh

  5. Should I just keep the element for this winter? Timothy Clarke

  6. Needa stop going home at 3am...

  7. This job is stupid easy

  8. Ridiculously tired

  9. Wow W7s sound great

  10. i couldnt be more exhausted lol

  11. Welp it's official. I have a stock car besides the alternator now

  12. I don't always play full tilt. But when I do, I roll the windows down.

  13. Honestly feel like absolute shit, so tired

  14. Battle of the gods was pucking amazing

  15. Listening to logic in the morning is perfect

  16. dont really feel welcome here anymore...

  17. DBZ battle of the gods tomorrow. My body is ready.

  18. Just an heads up to all my Basshead friends out there for the ALS ice bucket challenge. You're all fucked Thank you for your time.

  19. Does anyone just wanna netflix for the rest of the day

  20. damn lol, we all on Exo's channel Timothy Clarke Leo Christopoulos Patrick Patuto

  21. Going down my friends list. sorry if i delete you

  22. well it was a great night...until this shit happened. Shoot me a message, i'll be up

  23. EricCameron

    2003 s10 build

    clean af