It will actually be a pair of subs. Single cab pick up truck with limited space behind the seat. Looking for a nice little sub that can get loud. Power will come from the sub channel of my GS Redline 3 channel amp. BS rated at 1,000 watts for the sub channel into one ohm. It is currently pushing a pair of 12" IA Lethal Injections quite nicely ran at 2 ohms, so any of the subs on this list will work. Alpine Type R $120 Arc 8V3 $150 Image Dynamics ID8 $100 Incriminator I Series $95 JBL GTO $80 Memphis $120 Dayton HF $105 Dayton HO $115 I am ok with the prices of all these subs. Any pair of these can be wired to show my amp either 2 or 1 ohm, I am not too worried with the impedance load. My main concern is the ability for these little bastards to be heard and be clean while doing so. This is a 40 year old truck they will be going in, so I have no intentions on winning any competitions with this set up, on want to enjoy some tunes while cruising. Which of these subs would you pick, and which would you exclude, and why? Thanks for your input. , ___! !__ ,*"*..*"*, /\_______\" ._. " |_|_[]____|-|-|-|-|-|- ., ' ._. ' , ' ._. ' , " ._. """""" ._. " ————————————————