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About zmarshall

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  1. zmarshall

    Advise on box design

    It is goin in a 01 mustang. It will be ported i just didnt feel like creating the ports on inventor yet. The ports will be on the side with the subs.
  2. zmarshall

    Advise on box design

    I have 2 AQ SDC2.5 with an AQ1200D amp. I have a 5 Cube box for them now but due to the fact that it wasnt planned out very good the box in crap and is all but falling apart now. I came up with another design but im not sure how well this will work. The subs call for 2.5 cubes a piece but with my new design it will be around 2.2 cubes a piece and the subs would be pointing pretty much up. I know that these are not ideal conditions for the subwoofers however how much do you think this would effect the overall sound. This is it any comments plz.
  3. Just hooked mine up and so far no complaints with the amp. Bangs the 2 sdc2.5 i got with it
  4. i checked it earlier and its just that the power light isnt lit up so no big deal it still works and the clipping light works so thats the main point. I somehow hooked one of the output wires up into the wrong terminal. I was so frustrated from everything i didnt check. After i went back to it the next night i realised what i did and ive been bumpin ever since lol
  5. however my remote gain control is not lighting up anymore idk why i have to look closer though.
  6. ya problem solved to embarrassed to explain it lol...upon goin back the next day i realized my dumbass had it wired wrong PS look at the smallest details before getting mad lol
  7. I had it on master but after it wasnt working i switch it back and forth to see if it would work and still nothing
  8. Ya there is only one set of inputs on the amp and i tested everything with a dmm
  9. I got a brand new aq1200d and after i wired everything up the amp has power and has plenty of it, getting almost 14 volts while the car is running, but there is no signal getting sent out from the amp. Ive tested it with a known good rca cable and even used an ipod to eliminate the head unit but still no sound. I don't know what to check now. The amp is not going into protected mode. Going to call audioque 2night after class and see if they have any input. any advise before i go crazy lol
  10. zmarshall

    Need help wiring my 2 new sdc2.5's

    Then why is there 2 pair of outputs on the amp. Thought it was mono when i bought it but it def has to sets of outputs.
  11. I just got my pair of new sdc2.5's along with my aq1200d amp. I want to wire it to 1 ohm and i believe the picture shows how to do it. However I'm very confused on the size of wire i need to use. I Believe i should use 4 gauge for the power and ground but what size should i use from the amp to the woofers. Not sure what size it is that the amp even takes for the subs. Does anyone know what the recommended size is or what the largest size the speaker outputs on the amp take. One more question what is the proper way to bridge the amp. Any help Would be greatly appreciated. Here's a link to the wiring I plan on using the top picture which will wire it to 1 ohm. Wiring Diagram
  12. zmarshall

    Suggestions for a new system

    i ment ohm wise but now i see that it would be 1 so nvm lol
  13. One more question what should i wire the amp to?
  14. zmarshall

    Suggestions for a new system

    Ok well now i will have to make sure ill have the money to do all this lol but thanx for the help. Ill keep you updated