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Everything posted by icluphf

  1. Toaster Mafia!! thank you so much for commenting on this. thats the same kit im looking at right now. im glad i got to see your opinion on it. as soon as i have the money il be getting it. hopefully thats not too long because my car was already lowered alot before the system so now i cant get over a speed bump lol
  2. Thank you. il probably pick one up tomorrow with my tips from tonight. your system is badass btw man!!
  3. so does anyone know of a decent camera for recording car audio. i know they will all destort at high volume but im just wondering what everyone else would recommend. my camera on my phone can barely pick up movement from the subs
  4. thats the plan now. im just kind of experimenting. i still want to find something different for the face of the box. maybe some real leather instead of vinyl maybe go with suede? I think it would give a nice contrast and look next to the fur thats not a bad idea!! il have to look into that
  5. first 2 demos resulted in my first two tapouts!!! only on half power too lol
  6. ugh i want to go to slamology... maybe next year. even if i could get off work my suspension is in no way ready for a road trip. still waiting on wood for my false floor so i can get this car done. il try and get some video today.
  7. thats the plan now. im just kind of experimenting. i still want to find something different for the face of the box. maybe some real leather instead of vinyl
  8. trim panels arent all the way sealed off yet but heres how its looking so far. i might just leave the box how it is now so i dont have too much fur in there.
  9. ^^ my wiring is a mess right now too until i get the false floor sorted still waiting on some more ring terminals so i can run some more zero guage too
  10. test fitting the panels i cut out yesterday. foam is there to hold it in place and measure how much filler i need to add into certain spots
  11. i wish i could this year. i might try to next year. im working two jobs right now to fund some major projects so time off is hard for me to get. next year il only be at one though so id like to make it up there. its olny about a 3 and a half hour drive for me. thats a show ive been dying to go to so im planning on being there next year.
  12. no longer using one. everything is getting retuned
  13. thank you. i went back and started to retune by ear. thanks for telling me that. i should have realized that the dd1 was useless earlier
  14. i know but i have the habbit of changing my car around all the time. il probably have something different on there eventually. plus around where i live there is no competitions or anything without making a big road trip. so i probably wont be competing for a long time. if i get the chance to il probably just tear off the fur and leave it plain
  15. thats what im hoping for. it will look sick on the lows. thanks
  16. hears what they ended up looking like. have to go to work now. il try to get the back of the car sealed off tomorrow if possible. and hopefully get the wood for my false floor soon.
  17. getting some cardboard templates started for the panels to seal the box off
  18. this might get some hate but this is what im recovering the box in
  19. also probably getting new rims soon. not to big since the car is going to be bagged and slammed. im open to any suggestions for the wheeles on the car. sizes 16-18 inch probably
  20. alright. i got the new covering material for the box. going to build some trim panels today and tomorrow with all the scarp mdf i have. still waiting on a sheet of half inch birch for the false floor covering the batteries and all the wiring. i will hopefully get that in the next couple days.
  21. Your senses will be ALOT better than using that dd1. . Be careful thanks for the tip. i just mainly use the dd1 for my mids and highs
  22. Just got the amp tuned off my dd1 and did some initial testing on about a quarter power until i get the speaker wires sealed in... and HOLY SHIT!! these are insane. barely moving and they were crazy loud. il post a video later when i get home and find somewhere to play it on half volume since the subs are not broken in at all yet
  23. cones got a little dusty but heres what its looking like as of right now. the vinyl got a little messed up but that will all be replaced with purple and blue shag fabric stuff to match the car. still need to seal the wires into the back of the box i know my wiring is a complete mess right now but i still have a lot of work to do. im going to build a false floor for the amp to sit on that will cover up the batteries and wiring. just have to find a way to get more wood to my house. im going to try and use something a little lighter than the mdf because of all the weight added to the car already. il be building the trim pannels at the same time. im not sure when il be able to get wood though as i have zero friends and do not poses a pick up truck. so it could be a couple days until one of my brothers friends can help me you can see in this picture how bad the car is sagging in the back. about 1 and a half inches and the car is already on lowering springs... i have decided to use the money for my other car projects to buy a full air suspension setup. might as well go all out. If anyone is running air suspension i am open to any suggestions on brands and anything else. i have never done air suspension
  24. finally got the back bolted down. because of the weight of the subs i had to make to back of the box removable in case something goes wrong with the subs. u used half inch thick rubber to seal off the back and it is air tight.