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F-150 Murphy

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Everything posted by F-150 Murphy

  1. F-150 Murphy

    tooloud jejeje

    hi guy
  2. F-150 Murphy

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    he makes me want to shoot myself :[ lol im new to this hobby and i would like a lil patience :/
  3. F-150 Murphy

    System im thinking about getting

    Budget around 1k , my space is the back seat which i cant take out but i have about 9 inches of hieght and two feet wide and a foot deep. and i want a system that can play clear music with a good bass
  4. F-150 Murphy

    System im thinking about getting

    aight i just need to learn how to make em
  5. F-150 Murphy

    System im thinking about getting

  6. F-150 Murphy

    System im thinking about getting

    how can i learn to install stuff?
  7. F-150 Murphy

    System im thinking about getting

    how do i learn to build stuff?
  8. F-150 Murphy

    System im thinking about getting

    i live in high point nc
  9. F-150 Murphy

    New entertainment center

    nice ps 2 lol! nice system
  10. F-150 Murphy

    Noob here

    hallo thare
  11. F-150 Murphy

    System im thinking about getting

    although m5 is right i need a store to install the chit for me and i dont know how. Should i tell him hes overpricing me or what?
  12. F-150 Murphy

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    dave is awesome
  13. F-150 Murphy

    System im thinking about getting

    thats what a guy with 20 years of exp told me to get.
  14. F-150 Murphy

    Recommendations for a good system

    that doesnt mean u cant be friendly
  15. F-150 Murphy

    Recommendations for a good system

    man chill out its a forum go be an eGangster on a diff site
  16. F-150 Murphy

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    damn you like humiliating me huh?
  17. F-150 Murphy

    Does anyone have a JL Audio w1v2 sub?

    grr then why did the guy at the store lie to me
  18. F-150 Murphy

    Recommendations for a good system

    maybe i should have read more than the headline lol.
  19. F-150 Murphy

    The linc and the 22in shoes

    you need a paint job a new lift and why the f you got a cherry bomb?
  20. F-150 Murphy

    2000 Dodge Ram

    Redoing everything dang nice hope you make it nice to bad its a ram:[ so much potential
  21. F-150 Murphy

    Anyone interested in Tshirts?

    yeh but dont make it say .com i dont wanna be a nerd
  22. F-150 Murphy

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    mmm alpines are nice im buying some 5x7 oval speaks
  23. F-150 Murphy

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    mmm alpines are nice im buying some 5x7 oval speaks
  24. F-150 Murphy

    Recommendations for a good system

    Alpine speakers yes alpine subs no. Go with a JL audio w7. And your gonna hurt your pock book with a GOOD system. you can have a chitty 600$ system at circuit city lol
  25. F-150 Murphy

    Has any one ever?

    Destroyed part of their car cause there stereo was to loud like your windows? how loud was you car at the time?