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About Jbarrera93

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    Austin, Texas
  1. Jbarrera93

    In the market for a new or used 5k amp

    800 maybe more
  2. Just as the title says looking for a 5k amp, either new or used.
  3. Should've elaborated more on what I'm planning to do. For now the 2500 on the sinlge 18" is fine. I'm looking at getting a second SP4 after heatwave as well as a second amp. Then running both amps strapped to the two 18's.
  4. Jbarrera93

    New to the SSA Forum, coming from SMD

    Thanks guys, look forward to seeing what I can learn from everyone.
  5. Jbarrera93

    how do you edit Signature?

  6. Yea, I'm probably gonna end up buying another 2500. I haven't had any issues with mine at all.
  7. Jbarrera93

    how do you edit Signature?

    oh okay.
  8. Jbarrera93

    how do you edit Signature?

    it doesn't show it.
  9. Yea its taken some abuse before had 2 12" Soundqubed SDC's in a 5.5 cu box @ 30hz doing work before picking up the sp4
  10. Jbarrera93

    how do you edit Signature?

    Was trying to put info in my signature but cant find where it is.
  11. Yea I just put it because that's what I had available, was looking for sub up port back on passenger side. Its going into a 2001 Chevy Blazer 4door
  12. Jbarrera93

    New to the SSA Forum, coming from SMD

    Thanks! hard good things about this forum and decided to give it a try.
  13. Bought an SP4 last night and was wondering if anyone could help me with a design. My max dimensions are W: 38" D: 38" H: 42" or more was looking for a tuning of 30-33 hz if possible with a slot port design. will be running off a Rubicon 2500
  14. New to this forum, coming from the SMD forum.