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Everything posted by iputon326

  1. iputon326

    Anyone ever got two btls in a 95 civic coupe?

    yea i think it was 2 RE's
  2. lol id probably hang the latch up sumwhere and say look what my sub did.
  3. iputon326

    Slapping noise?

    did you figure out what it was?
  4. iputon326

    Post your Audio Setup!!!

    check the sig.
  5. iputon326

    Gain Help

    the sub can take more than 1000w but it depends on what options you got on the sub.
  6. iputon326


  7. iputon326

    Advice For System

    Just to be clear, you are going to lose a TON of output going sealed. I do like sealed enclosures, but if you want to bump, this is the wrong enclosure for you. i agree with him. really you need to tell us if you want it loud or do you want SQ or what. then we can tell you what you should get.
  8. iputon326

    Advice For System

    you can get any of the subs and theyll be good with any music.
  9. iputon326

    Advice For System

    ur gona get the ssd 10 and want more. i say go with a q at least.
  10. iputon326

    New member

    welcome to the forum!
  11. iputon326

    Need Help on Sub choice.

    you can wire 2 dcons to a 1 ohm load. both subs are dual 4 ohms and if you wire the subs in parallel you get a 1 ohm load perfect for your amp.
  12. its the same stuff as PP ...with less fees ... o sweet thanks man.
  13. ive never used google checkout so idk how it is.
  14. i found my manual in my closet and i found out what was wrong. i had the aux+ setting on and its either that or the ipod setting on. you cant have both. so i went outside and turned off aux+ and then the ipod came up.
  15. ok well i have an alpine cda 9886 and the ipod setting isnt on the HU. to even get it to play i have to put the setting on aux+ and plug the ipod in a certain way and most of the time it wont work. when it does i can change the songs on the ipod when theyre suppose to be changed on the HU. ive tried it with four different ipods and its all the same. has anyone else had this problem?
  16. if he has a credit card just set up a paypal account and put the card as the main payment type. thats how i pay for everything. i dont use my bank account. it takes like 5 minutes to set 1 up.
  17. iputon326

    Amp for a 18 bl or 18 btl

    yea get the 2000d. its on preorder till the end of june. if your gona run it on the bl be careful with the gains. but the btl can take it easy.
  18. yea i got it back in september and its always been like this. the KCE-422i came with the HU. when i plug it in i hear music for like 2 seconds then the alpine symbol comes up and the ipod pauses and nutin plays after that.
  19. iputon326

    Hi from Norway

    welcome to the forum
  20. iputon326

    94' Yukon Rebuild. 8 12" Fi SSD's

    i wana see this finished.
  21. iputon326

    how the f do you remove a dust cap

    i dont think he wants to break the dust cap. hes putin it on the other sub.
  22. iputon326

    xcon sealed

    have you ever had a ported box? if you havnt id go with ported and if you have id still go with ported. thats just me though. nope never had a real ported box I think ill try to do one for 2 xcon 18 with 15 to 20 cubes before driver displacement and bracing I like to try to copy one of thumppers flared port box if he dosent mind I doubt it will look as good as his but practice makes perfect I have a lot of wood working skills and some fiberglass skills and all of the tools and time lol just got to wait for some money that box is gona be huge i think ur gona like it ported.
  23. iputon326

    You think YOUR setup is nice?

    haha. that box is a beast dude.