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iputon326 last won the day on October 8 2009

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9 Helpful member

About iputon326

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  • Birthday 11/26/1990

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    pittsboro, indiana
  1. iputon326

    What will my 12's meter at?

    people are gona bitch at you for this. theres to many factors that go into a system. nobody can tell you what you will meter.
  2. iputon326

    SSA !!! I need your help !!!

    voted, good luck.
  3. iputon326

    What is my setup worth?

    just throw it up for what you think its worth and if someone wants it and thinks the price is fair then its sold.
  4. iputon326

    xcon recone

    Normal recones are $140, this would be around $165 w/return shipping included in the lower 48 states Email: [email protected] when your ready. alrighty thanks
  5. iputon326

    xcon recone

    i just need to know how much itd be if i sent it in to ssa and got it reconed to a 15.
  6. iputon326

    xcon recone

    how much would it be to recone an 18" xcon to a 15?
  7. iputon326

    Sir-Lancelot's Build Log - Updated July 17th - Page 8

    does it seem like theres any difference in sound with the ports so close to the hatch?
  8. iputon326

    2010 SSA ICON 15" Prototype

    i like how the dustcaps the same as the xcon. id like to see the icon symbol in a different color though. maybe blue
  9. iputon326

    which is similar to the BL

    well yea more cone area but the sub had a completely different sound. the bl is based more on spl and the death row is more towards sq. i felt that the death row was more precise than the bl. and my buddy had an 18" bl and to me the death row was better all around.
  10. iputon326

    which is similar to the BL

    i had a 15" bl then i bought an 18" death row and they sounded completely different.
  11. iputon326

    cut id for lethal injection

    it doesnt effect it at all?
  12. iputon326

    cut id for lethal injection

    alrighty thanks. im about to go fix it now.
  13. iputon326

    cut id for lethal injection

    how would it effect the output like it is now?
  14. iputon326

    cut id for lethal injection

    im bout to just build a whole other box. i only put one in and havnt even started on the other box yet. or i was thinking just cut another piece and put it over the hole and cut the other one. and i havnt put the second baffle on it yet so i might still be able to fix it?