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Corey Wagner

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Everything posted by Corey Wagner

  1. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    On my screen it shows as black text with a white background.
  2. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Update: 6/28/14 My dad just finished 6 weeks of radiation treatments and IT WORKED! The tumor is disintegrating and he is probably going to make a full recovery. I wasn't able to do much work with the hectic schedule of driving him to his treatment every day for 6 weeks. Now that things are settling down a little, I was able to work on the doors for a couple of hours today. It is definitely a learning experience for me. Overall I am happy with how it is going. If I was going to do it over again, I know what I would do differently. Anyway, on with the pictures... Test fit to make sure everything still shuts properly. Beautiful! I am going to be working on these tomorrow for about 8 hours, so I should be sanded down and ready to paint by tomorrow night. Thank you for everyone who has tuned in for this build and a special thanks for those who have said kind things about my dad. This build should start moving along nicely now that I have time. Corey
  3. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    As I am looking at these I am am thinking that my original idea of wrapping them in vinyl is going to be a bitch with the curves. I am now thinking I will plasti-dip them with matte black. It will be a lot easier and will still look good.
  4. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Passenger door bondo done.
  5. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    This has been a long few weeks. My father just finished his 6 weeks of radiation treatments and we are just waiting for his follow up MRI to find out if it worked or not. As far as the car is concerned, I have hit my second wind now that I know he is done with his stuff. I started working on the doors again yesterday. Here is what I have so far... Rings glued down, waiting for fleece. Fleece on After mat applied. (Yes I know there are bubbles. This was my first time doing this and I have learned a lot so far) I trimmed the edges away and did several test fits in the car and everything looks good for clearance. I am going to start the bondo work right now and hopefully finish them up this weekend. As for the crossovers, I decided to mount them to the back side of the door panel so they are tucked out of the way.
  6. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Front: Back before I applied any resin to it:
  7. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    I drilled holes in the door panel. After that, I glued fiberglass mat to the back of it. Then I glassed the front with enough resin to fill the holes and soak through to the back mat. Front: Back: After this sets up, I am going to add another layer or two of mat and then the rings will be put in place. I plan on stapling the fleece around where the green tape is and use bondo to make the transition smooth. I am pretty confident that this will work, but if it doesn't I can always just start over. It is a learning experience for me.
  8. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Explain what you mean.
  9. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    It has been raining here for 5 days. Today was the first day I was able to do any sort of work on it. When I was mocking up the speaker rings, I didn't like the setup. The rings were cut with a jigsaw and are not perfect. I am worried that this will show when I glass over them. I ordered a Jasper Jig today and went out and bought a plunge router. This should make me happy once they are perfectly round.
  10. Corey Wagner

    Sub Comparison pics

    Ugh, I wish I could find my old pics. I tested a couple of prototype subs for Image Dynamics back in the late 90's. They were calling them "ID SPL". 12" subs that were pretty beefy for the late 90's. I also had a 15" Atomic Thunder Shocker I took more than a couple rolls of film of. lol, film. (I'm old) I will look again when I get home from work and see if I can locate the box of photos. Great pics btw.
  11. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    This is how it sits currently. Just trying to decide on where to mount the crossovers. If I want to keep them on the door, or next to the amp. I am thinking for the sake of running all of those wires, putting them on the door will be easier in the long run.
  12. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Thank you. I now have everything I need to finish the install. I just need time.
  13. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    After messing around last night for a bit, I decided to not use the speaker grills (even though I like them) and use the flush mount rings I made. I was looking at pictures on a google image search and it just looks a lot better to me when they aren't surface mounted.
  14. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Here is where I tried a few different ideas trying to get the best end result. Not bad, but something is missing... Yup, you guesed it. I forgot to make the step down rings so it sits flush to the door. Back to the cutting again. Losing daylight, time to move inside. After I came inside I started to mock up how I wanted the speakers to sit. The one thing I want to do is incorporate the grills from JBL. I think they look amazing. The problem is, they won't work with the rings that I cut last, so I ended up using the first set I made without the flush mounts. Like I said, this is a learning experience for me. This is how they sit right now, I am just adding the rest of the braces to finalize the set up. More pics to come.
  15. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    This is my garage where I work on everything... Let's see what we are working with. What is that? Do you see what I see? RIVOTS!!! Oh well, break out the drill! Scond Verse, same as the first! Now this is my workshop. Just check out that view!
  16. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    I am making speaker rings right now. So many cuts. Wish I had a plunge router and jasper.
  17. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Nah, door panels are already off. I deadedned them and I see where I am gonna run it all. The big change today is that I decided to fiberglass the doors and put both component sets in the front stage. This is going to take me a bit because of two reasons. 1) I live in an apartment so I am doing all of the fabrication on my balcony or in the parking lot. 2) I have never done door panels before, just watched youtube videos and read about it on forums. I am pretty handy so I am sure I can figure it out.
  18. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Today is the day for progress. Door panels are off, deadener is being applied. I am starting to wonder if I bought the wrong amp though... Everyone that posts a video has a 3500 amp on their sub; I just wonder if my BC2000D is going to be enough.
  19. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    I'm gonna need a bigger table! Two spools of Zero for the power runs and Big 3. 1 spool of 8 AWG for the sub. 2 spools of 12 AWG for the components. 4 AWG Sky High for the 4-ch amp. A couple more 0-0 fused blocks from Sky High. The best part is that I now have everything I need to start installing. I can't wait for Saturday! More pics to come.
  20. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Get them on Ebay. I picked up 2 sets for 129 each. Cheaper than anywhere else I could find.
  21. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    I got some more goodies today... For comparison I LOVE THESE! I can't wait to hear them. Close up With grill on Crossover looks sweet too The tweeters are really heavy too I called Execution Audio today and they said that my stuff should be delivered tomorrow. I was never given a shipping order or tracking number when it shipped so I don't know who dropped the ball there. Hopefully tomorrow I get the rest of the cables and I can start wiring this stuff up!
  22. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Damn, I wish I would have known that when I ordered it. They didn't mention anything about it taking that long. I guess I will save that part for last. Thanks.
  23. Corey Wagner

    Zv4 18 in a 2004 Pontiac Vibe (Full Build)

    Tint before: After: I went with 35/5. Very happy with the results. Picking up the BC2000D tomorrow after work. Hopefully I will get word tomorrow also about the alt and wires. Anyone ever order a DC Power alt? How long does it usually take? Also same questions about Execution Audio cables. So far, I am most impressed with Sky High Car Audio's shipping turn around. Super fast!
  24. Corey Wagner

    New guy

    My name is Corey and I am from Lansing, Michigan. I have been installing car audio components and designing/building enclosures since I was 14 years old. I will be 32 this year. Needless to say I am hooked! I have always creeped around the forums but never really posted anything. I am in the process of doing my own car now and I figured I would post it up. Look for me in the builds section.
  25. Corey Wagner

    New guy
