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Everything posted by Kanaworm$

  1. Kanaworm$

    SA-15 Cutout and OD dimensions

    I am almost certain that is what they are as I am building a box for them this weekend as well. Hit up Travis and he could tell you. If you need his cell pm me.
  2. Kanaworm$

    SA-15 Cutout and OD dimensions

    Ahh man I could help if I wasn't at work. Irmc it is 14.125" cut out and 15.375" OD with rubber gasket.
  3. Kanaworm$

    Dealing with Customers

    After been in retail I know all to well about the fucktards that want everything for nothing.
  4. Kanaworm$

    Finally made it here!

    Welcome ....
  5. Kanaworm$

    is my amp a paper weight

    Basically what I do as well.
  6. Kanaworm$

    sefugi schools grasshoper

    You bastards and your nice weather it's a balmy -10F right now with a -30 windchill. Looking forward to the updates as they come in.
  7. Kanaworm$

    is my amp a paper weight

    Blown outputs is an easy fix for Chris. Just $$$ which sux but still a good amplifier. As a rule of thumb when I hook up an amplifier I always hook up power last or insert fuse in amp or fuse holder.
  8. Kanaworm$

    is my amp a paper weight

    I already told you to contact dB-r.
  9. Kanaworm$

    Help me pick my active setup!

    Welcome .... This would be a great buy! Irmc AA are out of the Carbons or are running quite low. Actually AA makes a nice 2 way with the 7" Carbons and 1" Textile soft dome tweeter which are meant to run active.
  10. Kanaworm$

    Hello to everyone here at SSA.

    Welcome ....
  11. Kanaworm$

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    Take out the sub that you say is broken and inspect to see if anything is loose like the spider. Also check the dust cap to see if its glued on and not starting to come off.
  12. Kanaworm$

    Welcome to the IHoP

  13. Kanaworm$

    Newbs pleeze read b4 posting

    Welcome ....
  14. Kanaworm$

    I'm here......

    Welcome ....
  15. Kanaworm$


    Fi SSD would be a great overall budget friendly sub woofer for you. Look through the classifieds for a quality used amp or even some special blow out pricing in the SSA Store.
  16. Kanaworm$

    Broken case on 250XP. New Design in the works?

    Good to see they got you taken care of. Almost looks like the aluminum had porosity and caused weak areas in the housing and when they machined it it got worse as the material got thinner.
  17. Kanaworm$

    Anything new?

    Is the build house overseas or still based in the usa?
  18. Kanaworm$

    Anything new?

    Really quite sad, I remember way back when emailing him questions and he always answered in a timely fashion. Excellent customer service. It really stinks, as Mike's hands are really tied here as he put up a crap load of funds for a couple of build runs that have not been done still. Wow that really stinks. I was wanting an RLP-18 for my HT. I hope the new buildhouse can come through for him.
  19. CEA means nothing but a marketing gimmick. But either should fit your needs just fine. No audible difference in the 200 watt difference as stated above.
  20. Kanaworm$

    What to major in?

    I'm in the Electrical Power Industry and the job outlook is great as the "Baby Boomers" are retiring faster than they can recruit younger replacements. Electrical Utilities are a secure place to work as you always need qualified individuals to keep the lights on. Just my .02!
  21. Kanaworm$

    4th order port area question

    I would say roughly 19-21 mm
  22. Best bet is to contact dB-r since they are the official repair facility for Sundown Audio.
  23. Kanaworm$

    Finally joined the SSA Forum

    Welcome ....
  24. Kanaworm$

    BTL N3 - When ?
