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Everything posted by Kanaworm$

  1. Kanaworm$

    My new toy!

    I can't believe how economical they have become. Wasn't MSRP like $10K when they first came on the market?
  2. Kanaworm$

    SAX-200.4 Review from DIYMA

    Very nice review on the monster!
  3. Kanaworm$

    bl 15 vs w7 13.5

    Please read!
  4. Kanaworm$

    Power Compression and you!

    I thought I remembered reading that before.
  5. Kanaworm$

    Power Compression and you!

    Interesting subject, thanks for the share.
  6. Roughly how big is your custom enclosure? Do you have another amplifier to try to see how the sub sounds?
  7. How can the Dual 4 ohm not fit? How old was the other SA-10? Only thing to change was the cooling ring. Sounds like either a box issue or amp.
  8. Kanaworm$

    for sale thread/section on SSA

    Keep it the same. As stated above why have categories if you have multiple different items to sell? Only thing I would like to see is where the OP is responsible to have the thread closed after the item sells or if the item is no longer for sale.
  9. Kanaworm$

    My BTL went out?

    Check the dcr of the voice coils with a dmm.
  10. Kanaworm$

    2 18's in the accord

  11. Kanaworm$

    Bought a new house...

    Very nice house. A person has to take advantage of the buyers market right now. Congrats!
  12. Kanaworm$

    SA Series Revisions In The Works

    Awesome! Always like seeing new items from Sundown whether it being just a revision or new model. That SA-8 looks super sexy on the new frame!
  13. That Kicker amp will be more than enough for whatever sub woofer you decide on. As stated above upgrade your electrical buy starting with the "Big 3" and using 1/0 gauge power cable.
  14. Kanaworm$

    what amp for a fi q12

    Much better choice in the BL!
  15. Kanaworm$

    what amp for a fi q12

    If you want loud and impressive re-think your choice. The "Q" is not for you at all!
  16. Kanaworm$

    I received my BTTL

  17. Kanaworm$

    Trip to the salt mine

    Wow great pics man! That is very interesting, especially at how old the mine is. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Kanaworm$

    The amazingly EPIC yet slightly tragic judicial system.

    Good story man! Nice that you had all the tickets dismissed.
  19. Kanaworm$

    Help me pick my active setup!

    Sundown utilizes superior internal components vs AQ hence the price difference. AQ is built to hit a price point and just takes an OEM design from the build house and stamps there name on it. Sundown has more R&D on their current models along with their own heat sink design.
  20. Kanaworm$

    Enclosure for raiders (DC level 4 18")

    Max dimensions will help with your quote.
  21. Kanaworm$

    what 12s hit low

    All sub woofers hit low. Just that some do it better than others. It all comes down to the installation, type of vehicle and of course a properly calculated and built enclosure.
  22. Kanaworm$

    hissing/popping noise from one speaker

    Could it be in the HU itself? From the rca outputs on the hu back to the input on the amp maybe.