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Everything posted by Kanaworm$

  1. I like the heavier duty RCA Connections on the Crescendo. The new heatsink makes the Crescendo more appealing compared to the older models.
  2. Crescendo looks way better than the new DC heatsink imo.
  3. Kanaworm$

    I need help choosing a sub.

    The AQ drivers are not designed for sealed enclosures. The Sundown will work in a sealed but are better suited in a ported enclosure. The SSA DCON would be a great choice. You could also re-build and a new enclosure for your RE and tune it higher.
  4. Kanaworm$

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Fuckin A right. Let's go Sabres!
  5. Kanaworm$

    Couple of Dcon videos.

    I have pushed 600 watts to my d4 DCON Very nice vids man!
  6. Kanaworm$

    6 skar 10 or 12s

    I meant the 2 DR's would be louder than the 1 DR on the same amplifier. I should have clarified myself better. The 6 Skars would be louder than the 2 IA DR's. Cone Area ftw!
  7. Kanaworm$

    fished 2010 Camry build log

    Nice review on the SA-15!
  8. Kanaworm$

    6 skar 10 or 12s

    Try another IA DR 12". Those are an amazing sub woofer for the price. 2 in a properly aligned ported enclosure would sound incredible and would be louder on the same amplifier.
  9. Kanaworm$

    My Mind Is Blown

    Here I thought my wife was a thrifty coupon shopper! Holy shit that is a ton of savings!
  10. Kanaworm$

    Term Lab closest to Sioux Falls South Dakota

    What shop is that?
  11. Kanaworm$

    Kicker SoloX 18

    That Solo X didn't stand a chance when the staple was in the gap. But looking at the coil I would say clipping was the biggest culprit. Sounds like the cheaped out and went with 8 gauge since it was all concealed. 8 gauge for main power and ground to a battery bank is screaming voltage drop.
  12. Kanaworm$

    Ferdinand - in for Surgery

    Good luck Ferdinand!
  13. Kanaworm$

    Amp for Fi bl 12"??

    Budget and goals with the BL? When you jump up in power you will need to address the electrical.
  14. Kanaworm$

    New to ssa

    Welcome ....
  15. Kanaworm$

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in

    Naaa I just thought I would get a response from them!
  16. Kanaworm$

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in

    NO!!! Was I talking to you specifically? Think not! Now move on! lulz.... What's funny is I read Mark's post as you did... But I don't think he meant you need to own or have owned an Icon subwoofer... I was just being sarcastic since I won my DCON from Mark and Aaron!
  17. Kanaworm$

    230 amp alternator sale

    Will do! Need to hide funds from the wife!
  18. Kanaworm$

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in

    NO!!! Was I talking to you specifically? Think not! Now move on!
  19. Kanaworm$

    Term Lab closest to Sioux Falls South Dakota

    Would that be a sales pitch for an SPL-LABS meter?
  20. Kanaworm$

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in

    Does my DCON count?
  21. Kanaworm$


  22. Kanaworm$

    Term Lab closest to Sioux Falls South Dakota

    Nope not me I go by the same name on there as well.
  23. Kanaworm$

    sundown nightshade hmmmmm

    IA is made by Incriminator Audio here in the good ol' USA! What's your definition of "Made in USA?" Says right on the box it was shipped in! If it were up to me all aspects would be US Made. Steel for the motors, baskets and all US made soft parts. More than likely only the magnet slugs would need to be imported. Nick or Josh can eleborate more if they care too!
  24. Kanaworm$

    ICON 12 or SA-12?

    If your looking for more SPL output, the Sundown SA-12 would be a better fit for you.