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Everything posted by Kanaworm$

  1. Kanaworm$

    DC Audio

    glad you had fun there though. Like Shizzon said any sub company can get loud so don't use that as the basis for your decision when you pick new subs I'm not taking anything away from DC or there products just having some fun on a boring Sunday. Plus I know Shizzon runs DC subs
  2. Kanaworm$

    DC Audio

    I don't see their results being copied nor many of their product lines... Just razzin' ya Shizz
  3. Kanaworm$

    DC Audio

    Doesn't dc stand for direct copy?
  4. Kanaworm$


    Check here for AudioPipe
  5. Kanaworm$

    Hey from Canada

    Welcome ....
  6. Kanaworm$

    Not made in China

    Do some research before purchasing, if your interested in it. Rersearch what? And no I am not interested in MMATS. It was towards the op, sorry for not clarifying. Oh! I'm tired as shit today, so no comprehension!
  7. Kanaworm$

    sundown lincoln

    Sweet Ride Jon! Tuned in for more!
  8. Kanaworm$

    Greetings From the Queen City

    Welcome ....
  9. Kanaworm$

    Not made in China

    Do some research before purchasing, if your interested in it. Rersearch what? And no I am not interested in MMATS.
  10. Kanaworm$

    Not made in China

    Zed Audio are built in the USA. Lunar and Linear Power as well.
  11. Kanaworm$

    15'' Xcon/15'' Sundown Nightshade

    The Nightsahde will be a bit more on the SPL side with greater power handling. The XCON is a an SQ sub that handles a lot of power and a great low end! Either will be able to produce what your looking for but in the end it comes down to install.
  12. Kanaworm$


    Welcome ....
  13. Kanaworm$

    NS-1 and SAE-500D Prototype Pictures

    The SAE-500 will be a great seller. Very nice price point.
  14. Kanaworm$

    My new enclsoure for the van.

    C or B pillar wall?
  15. Kanaworm$

    Does it matter in an SUV?

    I have my DCON 10" in a sub and port forward style box. It's small enough that it can be sub and port up or back. Best advice would be to test to see what sounds best to you.
  16. Kanaworm$

    NS-1 and SAE-500D Prototype Pictures

    SAE series looks to be small and compact. Very nice layout. Cannot wait to see more on the new SAE lineup.
  17. Kanaworm$

    NS-1 and SAE-500D Prototype Pictures

    Very impressive! The NS-1 is a beast! New SAE-500 series going to utiize a similar casing as traditional SAZ series amps?
  18. Kanaworm$

    Does it matter in an SUV?

    SPL purposes or daily driver?
  19. Kanaworm$

    Upgrading speaker wire question

    8 gauge is overkill imo. 12-10 gauge should be more than adequate for your needs.
  20. Kanaworm$

    New Boom box

    Very nice looking Civic! Tuned in for build pics!
  21. Kanaworm$

    IB3's and SSD's are up!

    Very nice!
  22. Kanaworm$

    Got kicked out of smd :,(

    Banned because of such a petty thing like that? Wow forget S*D!