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Everything posted by Kanaworm$

  1. Nice amplifiers! Check here for specs on your models!
  2. Kanaworm$

    Port area confusion.

    When I built my box for my IA Deathrow 18" I used 4 4" Aero ports, 7ft^3 tuned to 37hz. For your application you could go with 2 6" Aeros depending on box volume and tuning.
  3. Kanaworm$

    Port area confusion.

    What's the goal? SPL or an all around loud and low daily system? To calculate the area of a circle use this equation. Area = 3.14 x diameter x diameter You can use less port area with an Aero due to the efficiency of the port flares.
  4. Kanaworm$

    warden's on sale too?

    Errrrrr No Wardens for you!!!
  5. Kanaworm$

    FCON... some questions.

    It will be 3" Coil USA Built driver at a very reasonable price. In for updates as well!
  6. Kanaworm$

    SSA XCON 10" Finally Available! In Store Now!

    Damn that is one sexy sub woofer!
  7. Kanaworm$

    Worst night ever!!

    Sorry to hear that man! I would invest in an alarm next time around!
  8. Kanaworm$


    One of these matched with one of these would make for a damn fine budget system!
  9. Kanaworm$

    Black & Blue backlog

    I will be ordering some comps next week !
  10. Kanaworm$

    Monster Bandpass with DC 18's

    Damn that looks great!
  11. Kanaworm$


  12. Kanaworm$

    Component speakers

    Can't beat the price of the new IA comps and they look amazing! Actually I'm ordering a pair next week for my cousins build!
  13. Kanaworm$

    Component speakers

    Bravox is a great buy if anything left in the SSA Store.
  14. Kanaworm$

    Component speakers

    I would rather have the IA over the Crescendo comps anyday! More design and egineering done on the IA imo. Plus IA and SSA have a great sale going on!
  15. Kanaworm$

    Component speakers

    Co-Axials will be your better buy imo!
  16. Kanaworm$

    Component speakers

    What makes the Crescendo so much better off HU power vs the Incriminator Audio? Why not buy an amplifier to run your front stage?
  17. Do you have another sub amp to try? Might be the the inputs on the DD Amp that may be faulty.
  18. Yes all Sundown amplifiers do more than rated! How much? Hard to say as to many variables come into play!
  19. Check out the Incriminator Audio 20.1 on the Black N' Blue sale.
  20. Kanaworm$

    Addictive Audio?

    Not really familiar with them but I have not read anything bad. If you do buy give us a detailed review and some gut shots of the amplifier.
  21. Kanaworm$

    Visonik Audio?

    Visonik has some big powerful amplifiers, but most of their stuff is sold in Wal-Mart now so ....
  22. Kanaworm$

    Looking for the right combo

    No eta available yet on the new SAE-500. But another option is to go with the SA-8 would be this amp.
  23. If your using P-S-P (Aero) Ports you can use less port area due to the efficiency of the port flares. As far as calculating you can use this link you will still need to account for port displacement.