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Everything posted by Kanaworm$

  1. Kanaworm$

    10'' DCON enclosure help

    What style music do you listen too and what amp to power the pair of 10"?
  2. Kanaworm$

    (2) 13W3v3 Box Build

    Nice! Now get to work!
  3. Kanaworm$

    Box size for 5 rli-8's

    I would go with recommended specs .... [ SoundSplinter Subwoofers - RL-i 8" Subwoofer Information ] Good luck and we need pics!
  4. Kanaworm$

    When did SSA pick up Bravox?

    Wow! After looking over the website they began in 1953! They do all tooling in house from coils to cones, now that is quality control. http://www.bravoxaudio.com/company.asp
  5. Kanaworm$

    Parameters DP 21"

    Best bet would be to email Nick and have them emailed to you! Since the IA woofers are highly customizable they don't post the T/S specs.
  6. Kanaworm$

    New Build!!!

    Any amount of IA woofers is FTW!
  7. Kanaworm$

    1995 Chevy Suburban

    Nice amp! Build coming along nicely!
  8. Kanaworm$

    4 Fi Audio IB3 18's walled off 15Hz tune in a VAN BUILD LOG

    Holy expanding foam batman!
  9. Kanaworm$

    pics possible?

    The search feature is a useful tool.....Use it! Audiopipe AP-30001D Guts - SSA Car Audio Forum
  10. I would recommend going with 1/0 for future upgrades!
  11. Kanaworm$

    4 DP21 4th Order Build

    Design looks good! Hope it works out for ya!
  12. Have you tried some foam padding underneath the hu? I know there is not a lot of room in the dash to work with but try that.
  13. Kanaworm$

    New Hyundai Demo SUV Enclosure by PTS

    That we are! C'mon Thumpper....
  14. Kanaworm$

    fresh member

    Check out the new Bravox line of components in the SSA Store ....
  15. Kanaworm$

    fresh member

    Welcome ....
  16. Kanaworm$

    When did SSA pick up Bravox?

    Ive noticed it a little less than a week ago and was curious about the company as well. We just put them up last night. We are now the only authorized dealer that is completely online for this great company. Expect to see a thread from DENIM on these in the next day. Very exciting stuff! Have never heard their the comps but they have gotten great reviews. Looking forward to this lineup.
  17. I'm a little biased when it comes to Sundown since I own them and rep for them. US Amps is also a very good company and make quality products. But you will need to let us know a little bit more about your goals and budget.
  18. Kanaworm$

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    I can't wait either, BUT I don't know what I will do when I am ALL done? Enjoy!
  19. Kanaworm$

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Excellent build progress! Cannot wait to see more!
  20. Good news! Great work guys!
  21. Kanaworm$

    IA lethal injection or fi ssd

    If your getting 1 woofer get dual 2 and wire in parallel.
  22. Kanaworm$

    IA lethal injection or fi ssd

    2 great choices .... Toss a coin as to what is the better buy! I have a pair of LI 15" d 4 and they are great sounding woofers and get loud with little power. I have the Sundown - SAZ-1000D on mine and they are very impressive. I helped a person with an Fi - SSD 18" dual 1 and that is another great woofer. Great sound quality and get's loud. He had an Mmats - D1400.2 pushing the 18". Whatever you choose, your going to be happy as both are great drivers!