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Everything posted by Kanaworm$

  1. Kanaworm$

    2~15" Icon's Build

    Sweet vids man! Your craftsmanship is top notch!
  2. Nice! This will be interesting, have never seen the AB subwoofers in action.
  3. Kanaworm$

    Good FREE program for designing enclosures?

    Sketchup ftw!
  4. Kanaworm$


    Shizzon had issues with his first set of AQ amps. Would have to search to find the post. I know AQ took care of him so the CS at AQ is good. I'm a Sundown Rep so yes I am biased, therefore my answer. Sundown has proven itself over the years with great products and cs. Buy what fit's the budget!
  5. Kanaworm$

    Good FREE program for designing enclosures?

    Yup sketchup as far as I know.
  6. Kanaworm$


    You answered your own question! DAMN! i was hoping it wasn't... You Win Again Sundown.... Price and performance Sundown SAZ or the upcoming new SAX series would be a better buy. You get what you pay for imo.
  7. Kanaworm$

    Good FREE program for designing enclosures?

    I prefer to do it by pencil and paper and then draw it out on Sketchup. I use this .... PORT Size Calculations and Formulas for WOOFER and Subwoofer BOXES for calculating port This to calculate internal volume .... Enclosure Volume Calculator (EVC) This to calculate port velocity .... LinearTeam And this is a great read .... JL Audio - Car Audio Systems Good luck!
  8. Kanaworm$


    You answered your own question!
  9. Kanaworm$

    Team Decent Pathfinder build

    1.5" roundover router bit!
  10. Kanaworm$

    Team Decent Pathfinder build

    Box looks great! 1.5" roundover bit on the port?
  11. Kanaworm$

    IA Birthday Cake FTMFW!!!!

    Mmmmmm Incriminator Cake!
  12. Kanaworm$

    BIG BASS BLAZER build log

    Keep up the good work!
  13. Kanaworm$

    2 12" ssa icon prototypes

    Mmmmm SSEXA! ICONS ftw! Love the review!
  14. Kanaworm$

    oz audio any good?

    Oz Audio was great .... R.I.P. As said above the ME's were great sounding and got loud. $120 is a great price as long as it's in good shape.
  15. Do happen to know the voice coil configuration of your subwoofers?
  16. Kanaworm$

    Opinions on these subs.

    Main problem with your question is that most members on here don't run those subs.
  17. Kanaworm$

    Jl Audio 6w3v3

    Helpful if you read through the links below .... Sound Solutions Audio Membership - SSA Car Audio Forum Attention NOOBS!!!! - SSA Car Audio Forum
  18. Kanaworm$

    A fun image from vacation

    Very beautiful picture!
  19. Kanaworm$

    Would adding fans help?

    Just curious as to why the seat belt bolt is not a good ground point?
  20. Kanaworm$

    AA Havoc VS DC lvl 4 or lvl 4 xl

    The DC would be my last choice! No reviews on the site to go by! Have read great things about the rest!
  21. Kanaworm$

    AA Havoc VS DC lvl 4 or lvl 4 xl

    If your looking for an all around daily driver that will get plenty loud and still remain musical .... Havoc is the way to go! No experience with DC Sound Labs so cannot say how they perform. Other Choices are the SSA XCON, IA Death Row, Sundown Z v.2 or Fi BL
  22. Kanaworm$

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Nice looking install! I like the progress on the install and the car itself!
  23. I would stick with the MLV from Don at http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/products/mlv for reducing noise.