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Everything posted by Kanaworm$

  1. Kanaworm$

    Sander's Honda Civic

    Not a BMW but still a fun car to customize and drive. Btw these little cars can get nasty loud. Looking forward to your build log.
  2. Kanaworm$

    need aero port help

    I would say 2 4"aeros would be more than enough.
  3. Looks good man! I like where you hid the passive crossovers. I see you went with the "Shallow" mount DD's.
  4. Kanaworm$

    need aero port help

    You can normally run 50% less port area on aeros vs standard slot. I did 4 4" aeros in 7ft^3 tuned to 37hz for my 18" IA Death Row and it moves some serious air.
  5. Kanaworm$

    Saz1500d signal output?

    No rca out just the slave master in and out. How many rca outs does your deck have?
  6. Kanaworm$

    is the 10" SSD the right sub for me?

    Yes get the dual 2 ohm.
  7. Kanaworm$

    Any Takers? (Feeling the water)

    Hmmmm very interesting.
  8. Kanaworm$

    2 21" Wardens

    Gotta love the ignorance of some shops! Nice saw btw!
  9. Kanaworm$

    Exodus Anarchy (some pics included)

    Wow! Impressive motor on the Exodus driver.
  10. Kanaworm$

    is the 10" SSD the right sub for me?

    More than enough room, you're at 2.25ft^3 gross. The SSD will impress you with how loud they can get while remaining musical.
  11. Kanaworm$

    is the 10" SSD the right sub for me?

    The SSD will be a perfect subwoofer for you! Very underrated subwoofer imo!
  12. Kanaworm$

    Removing Fat Mat Extreme off the car?

    Ahhh the joys of asphalt based deadener and the mess they leave. Good luck removing that garbage. BigJon gave some great advice.
  13. Kanaworm$

    hybrid problem

    I would contact Hybrid and let them know what your problem is and see what they say. Sounds like something might be wrong with your passive crossover network.
  14. Kanaworm$

    Sound Deadener Showdown

    The best solution I've found for actual panel flex is to go to Home Depot and by a cartridge of PL Premium construction adhesive and aluminum bars. Glue the aluminum to the panels, tape it down tightly while it cures and wait 24 hours. Then put vibration damper between the bars. Actually, welding steel bars to the sheet metal is probably best, but that's a little crazier than most people want to get I even though of cutting a piece of .75" of mdf and gluing that to the back wall.
  15. Kanaworm$

    Total Midbass Confusion

    Not to thread jack, but what if you went low pass and used a variable subsonic filter to create the bandpass filter. Would this work as well? Very informative post btw.
  16. Kanaworm$

    Sound Deadener Showdown

    Great product! Finally installed my CLD panels yesterday and all I can say is "This ish is crazy sticky and thick"! Great vibration dampener, but my truck back wall flex could still use a little more mass! I will be placing an order next week.
  17. Start small and upgrade as you learn more. Start with the "Big 3". Try to use a quality 1/0 gauge, stay away from some of the no name brands off eBay as you will get less than 1/0. Get a voltage gauge in the vehichle so you can monitor your voltage. If your looking at the Sundown SAZ-1000D for your BTL you may want to look into the new SAX-1200D same price and more power!
  18. Kanaworm$

    Will 1 Fi.Q 12 be louder than 2 CVR's?

    SSD would be another option if your looking in the Fi lineup!
  19. Kanaworm$

    Help choosing a 10 inch midbass driver.

    This might be something to look at .... Solen Electronique Inc.= The specs http://www.solen.ca/pdf/peerless/850146.pdf
  20. Kanaworm$

    Comp sets

    Will these be listed on the AA website eventually?
  21. Kanaworm$

    July Special! 10% off!!!

    Nice sale!
  22. Kanaworm$

    Help with building my own comp set

    The Type R comps would be a good choice for your budget.
  23. Kanaworm$

    Jessies Blazer

    Love the new rims!
  24. Kanaworm$

    2 Xcons 15" on 4000 watts rms

    Looks good! Like the blue carbon fiber!