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Everything posted by ohio45113

  1. ohio45113

    Should I buy the bc5500

    sell the hcca buy a zcon or evil. run it on the bc2000 and sit n smile and think damn this is so much better than my hcca was..
  2. ohio45113

    my order..please help..

    was probably a local shop or something. just trying to take advantage of someone like always.. but OP dont freak out. you will be taken care of
  3. ohio45113

    IPAD CLUSTER MOD - The Black Nasty

    just playin around here fellaz.. geez. you must be tbe randal ///M5 was asking if I was related to. another thing does anyone find it odd this guys nickname for his car is the exact same nickname I use for my penis? BUT does your dick have world records? Lmao, I would bet it does NOT. lol.. depends on what kinda records we r talkin about.. but your shit is legit.. would hate to think of how much money you have in it.
  4. ohio45113

    IPAD CLUSTER MOD - The Black Nasty

    just playin around here fellaz.. geez. you must be tbe randal ///M5 was asking if I was related to. another thing does anyone find it odd this guys nickname for his car is the exact same nickname I use for my penis?
  5. ohio45113

    IPAD CLUSTER MOD - The Black Nasty

    thats cool.. it does look cool and I like the concept.. just hate apple lol.. Ok we get it you hate Apple, good thing this isn't your truck. love the idea man did I forget to mention how bad I hate apple... lmao
  6. ohio45113

    IPAD CLUSTER MOD - The Black Nasty

    thats cool.. it does look cool and I like the concept.. just hate apple lol..
  7. ohio45113

    IPAD CLUSTER MOD - The Black Nasty

    looks cool.. freakin hate all that is apple though
  8. ohio45113

    First post. Question about soundqubed

    had both my 1200 on 2 fosgate t1s in a f250 on stock electric. no extra batts. gain all the way up and clipped the shit out of daily. not once did they cut out. overheat. or even get warm. and thats not even counting the tons of hours sitting around it drunk by the fire with friends. without even havin the truck running
  9. ohio45113

    First post. Question about soundqubed

    I just got rid of a aq2200 a few weeks ago and I beat the living shit out it. it never got hot never failed and still works like new. I would recommend any aq/sq to anyone. I traded for a bc3500 and im pretty nervous I have no idea if it would hold up like my aq did.. and before the 2200 I had 2 different 1200s and both were just as good..
  10. ohio45113

    Enclosure Pricing

    yeah ship. ill order a box asap.. only if you dont tell frogcase2002
  11. ohio45113

    F/S Sundown Sax-125.4 and NS1 V2

    damnit I need some money!
  12. ohio45113

    loud daily setup

    which was loudest?
  13. ohio45113

    Worst shipping/customer service ever!

    meeeeee tooooo......... .......... ........ ..... .... ... .. . . .
  14. ohio45113

    Worst shipping/customer service ever!

    ok once again was a joke.. reminds me of this kid on 360haven who mods games... so im just fuckin around with him a little.. never said he didnt no his shit.. also didnt no he had bieber status on the forums.. its like hes trolling for bad post and calling people out for not knowing as much... I find it funny to mess around with people like him is all... was unaware of the seriousness of my offenses...
  15. ohio45113

    Worst shipping/customer service ever!

    I would leave it up as well... if you run a business then you should never had anything to hide. good or bad
  16. ohio45113

    First ssa order!

    status changed... awaiting shipment.. they should send pics of the build process as it progresses
  17. ohio45113

    First ssa order!

    im hoping its gonna be alot louder than the xfls I had in there.It should . You remember when I had one of mine in that cool box lol. And that was on an ap3000 at 4 ohm should post some pics of it
  18. ohio45113

    Worst shipping/customer service ever!

    now only if we could only get a couple other people on bere to admit such*cough* ///M5 *cough* lol ///M5 isn't an asshole he just tells you how it is and doesn't sugar coat things. He makes you think about your posts. Theres a few more people like him! Honestly I think that's how more should be! was a joke... and look around the Internet is full of people just like that... only in person they are different
  19. ohio45113

    Worst shipping/customer service ever!

    now only if we could only get a couple other people on bere to admit such *cough* ///M5 *cough* lol
  20. ohio45113

    First ssa order!

    im hoping its gonna be alot louder than the xfls I had in there.
  21. ohio45113

    Hey All

    welcome please enjoy ur stay
  22. ohio45113

    First ssa order!

    lol people still pay big money for t1s though.. Ive never had a fi bl but I had a btl n3 that would get down. sounded like ass on music but it wasnt made for music lol.. I had my t1s in a 5 cubed 32 htz box though and werent bad.. lol is that 1 inch mdf? double baffle? I bet that box weighs like 150 lbs lol
  23. ohio45113

    First ssa order!

    nice man nice.. I also had a couple t1s they arent bad but the american bass xfls were alot louder and lower than the t1s. the t1s sounded better though.. by sounding better I mean you couldnt hear the subs moving as much..
  24. ohio45113

    First ssa order!

    lol im going to run it a 1ohm.. I was going to order a d1 and do .5 but thats getting outta hand.. I had 2 12xfls in a pperfect box running at 1ohm on a aq2200 before this that was pretty nasty but this should be way louder
  25. ohio45113

    Where to get a subwoofer magnetized?

    ok so I talked to upper management and qc and they said we were not allowed to do shit like that but we work a ton of weekends and they dont so I could easily sneak it in I think.. not sure what would happen if I got caught but if your in a tight spot I can try n help you out. no idea how much you would spend on shipping though.. unless your local to me?