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Everything posted by jlm1216

  1. Wanted to ride around and check the new port out and this homeless guy came up and started talking to me. Super cool dude, and he asked for a demo...
  2. Decided to open the port up and round it over to see what happened and holly crap lol. It literally moves twice the amount of air as before. Forgot my table saw was out of order, so I had to use a jigsaw.
  3. I love this video, door open hoodie trick. Literally on 11v. The hoodie was stuck between the door and the seat for a second, then it was floating away.
  4. Ran into a little trouble. Broke the passenger side window regulator, as well as the tabs on the bottom of the window that mount to the regulator. So those had to be replaced. Also deadened the doors with murdermat while I was at it.
  5. New singer alt and external regulator for 16v side . In the meantime, it ran on 12v ( or 10 lol ) Old Singer 275 out. Meh. Who needs washer fluid? Made a little bracket and mounting plate for the regulator.
  6. Lmao. That was coming later.
  7. Ok lol. That's it until I get home on my computer. The photobucket app sucks.
  8. jlm1216

    4 15in zcons. In A 1st Gen Dodge Durango

    O hai buddy.
  9. jlm1216

    Newb signing in from Florida

    Thanks guys A little door open hoodie trick video
  10. Just checking in. I always visited this forum, and purchased things from the actual store but never signed up. I usually stick to floridaspl and occasionally SMD and ****, but just flipping thru I like thisuch better lol. Less trolls and negative critisasm ( I know, it is everywhere ) Name is Jason, I live in Jacksonville Fl. My current build is 8 ssa zcon 15's in a 2.5:1 4th order. 4 crescendo 5500's, 1 singer 400A alt ( externally regulated, and soon to be two). I am in the process of building an amp rack to fit 20 Xs power d1600's, and somehow try to figure out how the heck I can build a bracket to fit an additional alt.
  11. jlm1216

    new from jville

    Awesome, another Jax guy. I live about 3 miles from NAS Jax. We usually have a meet up every couple weeks at the Kmart on blanking that closed down. Nice group of guys up here, we all travel to shows together. We all 49.9 BassRace against each other and bass box. Welcome.
  12. jlm1216

    How did you guys find SSA???

    From word of mouth ( Justin Bancs, Nic Watts, Dylan and Tyler Kirby, Bryan and Robin Butler).