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Everything posted by Mattl

  1. Mattl

    Sundown X18 build

    Made some good progress today. I double baffled it, cut the hole, and filled in all of the screw holes. Im going to be covering the box with some fabric soon. heres some pics.
  2. Mattl

    Sundown X18 build

    Im almost finished with the box. I just have to double baffle it, cut the hole, and paint it. Heres some pics Also, full credit to Bassink for designing the box.
  3. Mattl

    Sundown X18 build

    heres some more pics My amp is coming in a few days. Should have a pic of that up soon.
  4. Mattl

    Sundown X18 build

    il get some more pics up today.
  5. Mattl

    2013 Chrysler 300 (Fi, Crescendo, SSA)

    Looking forward to seeing the build!!
  6. Mattl

    Box dimensions for x15?

    just sent you a pm a couple of hours ago
  7. Mattl

    Box dimensions for x15?

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to build a box for a single x15. It's going to have a 1500w amp wired at 1ohm. The sub is going in a 99 Isuzu trooper so I have a lot of space for the box. The problem is that I have all apple products so I can't download anything to find out what the dimensions have to be. If someone could figure out the dimensions for me I would really appreciate it. I was planning on doing a ported box with the port on the side and the sub facing up and the box tuned to around 30-32 hz. If someone could help me out that would be great. Also if anyone needs any more info just comment. Thanks
  8. Mattl

    Box dimensions for x15?

    ok thanks
  9. Mattl

    Box dimensions for x15?

    did you start the dimensions yet? Not to rush you I just wanted to go to the hardware store to get some wood in the next couple days.
  10. Mattl

    Box dimensions for x15?

    ok that's perfect thanks!!
  11. Mattl

    Box dimensions for x15?

    ok I just got my car dimensions. It is 40 inches tall, 40 inches wide, and 35 inches deep.How tall do you want to go though? I would say about 22 inches tall. That's a couple inches shorter than the seats
  12. Mattl

    Box dimensions for x15?

    yeah I think wide as possible would be best and port in the port back
  13. Mattl

    Box dimensions for x15?

    ok I just got my car dimensions. It is 40 inches tall, 40 inches wide, and 35 inches deep.
  14. Mattl

    Box dimensions for x15?

    shit haha il measure the dimensions tomorrow when it gets out of the shop. I'm from grosse ile by the way