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Everything posted by lolitskasey

  1. lolitskasey


    Lol thats what i though. When i went in the guy was a douch he asked what sub i was using i ask FI BL and he was like WAT WAT is that and gave me a weird look.
  2. lolitskasey


    Look around here, Pound That Sound and Fisher Customs both do amazing work. And there are plenty of guys on here that will gladly help you with a box. Lol i will see im kind of short on cash. But thanks im taking the box back tomorrow
  3. lolitskasey


    Thats what i though but i dont know how to build one and i dont know anyone that can build one for me. I will do some research online thanks.
  4. lolitskasey


    What is it tuned too? Normally prefabs are terrible, but most of that depends on tuning. You know what i dident ask.
  5. lolitskasey


    ported and its for a BL 15.
  6. lolitskasey

    Thanks guys

    I just got all my stuff cept my sub just ordered it today. Thank you guys for helping me out on what it get.
  7. lolitskasey

    BL 15 Shipping to alaska

    Hey i wanted to order a BL 15 and when i check out and pick a state there is no state for alaska can anyone help me?
  8. lolitskasey

    BL 15 Shipping to alaska

    Double post delete
  9. lolitskasey


    Can i get a quote for shipping to alaska for the 15 BL? Thanks.
  10. lolitskasey


    99645 And another thing i tryed to order the BL and there was no shipping to alaska so i was just wondering if i have to do it over email or what Thanks.
  11. lolitskasey


    Ok thanks
  12. lolitskasey


    Is it a typo that the BL only pushes 1000 watts or what. Thanks
  13. lolitskasey


    Yeah i ready that im getting all the options and i have one more question. Its about dual 1 and Dual 2 I want to run my amp at 1 Ohm should i get dual 1 or dual 2 and wire in parallel?
  14. lolitskasey


    lolok thanks. so sence we are allready talking about the BL would a Saz 1500d Sundown be over powering it?
  15. lolitskasey


    Cause before it was took off the site its was 1500 watts and now its only 1000.
  16. lolitskasey

    How much

    Kay thanks Scott.
  17. lolitskasey

    How much

    How much is the BL 15 Plus shipping to alaska maybe someone could help me out
  18. lolitskasey

    How much

    Lol yeah i got it after i posted this lol thanks.
  19. lolitskasey

    Is one battery (yellow top) enough for my 15" bl

    Im new to this stuff how do i know when its clipping? lol sorry if thats a dumb question
  20. Sorry for sound like a retatard but what is Big 3?
  21. lolitskasey


    Hey do you guys know when they are going to get the BLs back up and ready to order?
  22. lolitskasey


    Yeah i know i just want to order it so bad i have been waitng to get the money to order it and once i got it they got took off the site lol.
  23. lolitskasey


  24. lolitskasey

    BL 15 Dimensions?

    Hey can anyone give me the dimensions to the BL 15 cause they arent on the site and i want to build my box. Thanks.
  25. lolitskasey


    What kind of wood do i use for my box. Somone told me partacile wood