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Everything posted by lolitskasey

  1. lolitskasey


    Is a boxed tuned to 34 good for the BL?
  2. lolitskasey


    Depends on what you consider "low"... Not really really low but like as in rap songs low
  3. lolitskasey


    Would it still pick up the lows good?
  4. lolitskasey


    I don't know how good they work but i will see i ran out of money so i had to get a cap. Its a 10 farad Rockford fosgate we will see how it holds up.
  5. lolitskasey

    Sub and Amp Combo

    You might be looking for the FI Q. But i don't know about the RE never heard one before so ya.
  6. lolitskasey

    TC sound

    Have you ever heard a LMS-Ultra Driver?
  7. lolitskasey

    TC sound

    I have seen those videos but i would rather hear someone who has owned/heard one in person
  8. lolitskasey

    TC sound

    Yes i do thats why i would think they are great subs. lol
  9. lolitskasey

    Sub Help

    What about the FI Q?
  10. lolitskasey

    BL FL Recomended AMP

    You should of got a Sundown SAZ-1500d
  11. lolitskasey

    Im so impatient

    OK thanks alot
  12. lolitskasey

    Im so impatient

    Ok so i orderd my sub last monday and they billed me thursday and i still havent got a email for a tracking number or anything. Do they start building the sub as soon as your put in your order or do they wait tell you get billed then start building it.
  13. lolitskasey

    Box help

    Thank you brian so much i owe you my life lol.
  14. lolitskasey

    Box help

    I need some help building a ported box. I wanted it to be Width:44 Hight:20 Depth:17 And tuned too 34 Hz. I have never build a ported box before lol. This is for a fully loaded BL 15.
  15. lolitskasey

    Box help

    The vehicle is a 96 nissan quest. And i was thinking about putting the sub facing the roof of the car and the port facing the roof aswell would that sound better?
  16. lolitskasey

    Im so impatient

    My name is Kasey Cavyell.
  17. lolitskasey

    Box help

    Dose it matter where i put the port?
  18. lolitskasey

    Box help

    Thank you so much brian.
  19. lolitskasey

    Im so impatient

    Lol ok thanks
  20. lolitskasey

    Box help

    I can build it i have the wood and everything i just have never built a ported box before and i need some help like with the tuning and stuff.
  21. lolitskasey

    Box help

  22. lolitskasey

    Box help

    What ever would sound the best i just cant change the depth it has to stay 17 but the room im working with is Width:48 Depth:17 And Hight: is like 30( im in a van) so yeah if you can design a box that would be great.
  23. lolitskasey

    Box help

  24. lolitskasey


    Ugh i just bought a box form a audio store and its a 1.75 cuft and and im sure if i want to use it. Would it be ok to use it tell i find out how to build my own box?
  25. lolitskasey


    Lol yeah