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Everything posted by lolitskasey

  1. lolitskasey


  2. lolitskasey


    There is no way you whole set up is going to cost 6 grand. I have one 15 BL and it cost me about 3 grand.
  3. Alright so do you guys still make the 08 model or do i have to sell my 08 and buy 2 09 models?
  4. What about puting a BL 08 with a BL 09 would that sounds weird cause the are diffrent?
  5. lolitskasey

    Fi bl 15

    All right thank you that's what i thought. Would save me time and hassle.
  6. lolitskasey

    Fi bl 15

    Alright so i have a BL 15 in my car right now. When i get money i plan on buying another one. But the one i have right now is D2 instead of reconeing it to make it d1 i was thinking could i just buy another D2 and then just buy another SAZ- 1500d?
  7. lolitskasey

    Super Loud Front Stages

    I say if you wanted SQ you should of got subs that are made for SQ.
  8. lolitskasey

    4 Fi 18" Btl Fully Loaded

  9. lolitskasey

    4 Fi 18" Btl Fully Loaded

    I say you start with a Q 15 or even a BL 15. The BL with a sundown saz-1500d will get really loud and the only think you would really need is to do the big three and a battery in the back. and you will save alot of money. Then you can just upgrade and put another 15 in there if you want.
  10. lolitskasey

    FI BL amp Suggestion

    And your budget?
  11. lolitskasey

    Hard drive problem

    Yeah cause im trying to fix my friends comp and D: drive is full but i cant look in it to see if OS is installed.
  12. lolitskasey

    $145,000 Most Expensive Sub Ever Made!

    I lol'd at the car to plane kit.
  13. lolitskasey

    Old subs

    Lol so i found some old subs in my uncles garage and i told him i would take them off his hands they are Rockford Fosgate Punch HE 15". Need a recone but i want to give them to my little brother for a birthday present.
  14. lolitskasey


    Nice. So i am buying those recones today. Hopefully they get here soon
  15. lolitskasey


    Hey i was wondering if you guys could recone a Rockford Fosgate HE? I cant find any recone kits.
  16. lolitskasey

    Old subs

    It had a bad coil. But i found 2 original recones on ebay for 20 bucks each
  17. lolitskasey


    lucky bastard What can i say.
  18. lolitskasey


    I found a 2 recone kits on ebay. for 20 bucks.
  19. lolitskasey

    Box help

    So i was trying to look for some pictures of a box terminal made out of ring terminals, nuts , and bolts. So i can have a idea on how to do it. Thanks.
  20. Ok so i have been looking to a H.O. alt for my car and i cant find one anywhere. I have a Nissan Quest 1996.
  21. lolitskasey

    Weird sounds help!

    Ok so i have a FI BL 15 Fully loaded powered by a Sundown SAZ-1500d. Ok so anyway when i play some music loud i hear some weird sound like the sub it bottoming out but i know its not becuase its not moving enough to bottom out.
  22. lolitskasey

    Weird sounds help!

    Gain is a little lower then half way and i don't think they are crossed. thats probably your problem, your probably clippin the hell out of it. set your gain with a dmm Well i dident think it was cliping cause the sub was really not moving much
  23. lolitskasey

    Weird sounds help!

    Mk. I will check them.
  24. lolitskasey

    Weird sounds help!

    Gain is a little lower then half way and i don't think they are crossed.
  25. lolitskasey


    Sorry my internet went out. I look at it again and figured it out.