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Everything posted by Impious

  1. Impious

    Sound Deadening Project like no other

    IMO MLV would probably be a better option. Yes lead is more dense but depending on price you could probably layer up MLV & not have to deal with potential health hazards and it would be much easier to work with. You can find MLV in 1/4" thickness and layer it up. It will be expensive, but as M5 said mass is the only real factor here along with proper decoupling which is why I previously asked about the weight/density of the 'glass
  2. I've had this happen in a buddy's car because one of the speaker wires were shorting out against metal in the car.
  3. Impious

    Ethos sample 12" T/S parameters

    Is the Ethos one of the MMAG motors or standard overhung?
  4. That's what happens when you attempt to spam/advertise on a forum without approval from the administrators first.
  5. Impious

    Black Friday Sale 2012?

    Unfortunately a few bad eggs (meaning whiny, spoiled brats) sort of ruined the fun.
  6. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Survey: What we do while we drive. According to a telephone survey of 1,026 drivers released by National Educational Technology Standards (NETS): 70 percent of drivers routinely talk to passengers while driving. 47 percent adjust controls. 29 percent eat or read. 26 percent pick up something that fell. 19 percent talk on the phone. 15 percent do none of the above. Bullshit. 150 people said they don't talk to passengers or adjust controls while driving? Really? Liars.
  7. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Didn't stop me though. Still speed....just keep it less than 10mph over the speed limit so the cops don't bother with me At least for a while....
  8. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I felt the need, the need for speed. And now I'm paying for it.
  9. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Because I got 2 speeding tickets in less than a year
  10. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Online, or at a hotel? Online. Have until 10/23 to complete or they suspend my license Who the fuck has ever had a functioning fax machine in their vehicle?
  11. Honestly it looks like a bucking magnet for shielding to me, which wouldn't be necessary in a vehicle. I would be a little more worried about the rear vent no longer being sealed......it looks like the plate on the rear side of the bucking magnet was creating a small sealed chambered.
  12. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just started my driver safety program. This fucking sucks.
  13. Impious

    Test results 600 Watt subs

    You did ask for our thoughts..... Just because you measured something, doesn't mean you measured something meaningful.
  14. Impious

    RF Pro Audio Mids

    "SQ" and "loud" aren't mutually exclusive. Doing certain things that lead to good sound quality also lead to improvements in output over the entire bandwidth. Just because sound quality isn't a top priority doesn't mean you can ignore the basic tenants of acoustics and still achieve your goal. So far the amount of technical discussion in this thread is roughly equivalent to asking someone how much space they have and desired goals when selecting a subwoofer. I'm sure you thought about that before selecting your substage......not sure why it's difficult to do the same for the front stage. For some reason you presume when considering a front stage it's acceptable to arbitrarily decide on drivers without many other considerations and expect to achieve your goals.
  15. Impious

    Torres Calculator?

    why do long division when the short way works just as well? or maybe it's said better this way "work smarter not harder" . if you get the same results either way then i would prefer the easy way. just sayin' As I said; I know I can trust my own calculations. In general I've found that most of these "calculators" aren't accurate or they have various things I don't like about them. I dicked around with that Torres calculator when it first came out and just didn't like it. The calculations are relatively simple as long as you understand elementary algebra.....my 8th grade daughter could manage them just fine. For my preferences I am doing things smarter......
  16. Impious

    Torres Calculator?

    For the most part, I use a pencil, paper and calculator. I know I can trust my own calculations.
  17. Impious

    Sound Deadening Project like no other

    So what exactly is your goal? Are you trying to stop vibrations, kill noise from the engine, or both? How much does the fiberglass you have in there now weigh per square foot?
  18. Impious

    RF Pro Audio Mids

    Just the fact it's labeled a PA speaker does not inherently mean it has better "range" than a standard 8" driver. And the main issue with an 8" isn't the genre of speaker it's grouped in with, but rather an inescapable fact of physics known as beaming. As you start approaching frequencies where the wavelength of the sound wave is equal to or less than the diameter the driver, it's off-axis response is going to decrease in amplitude as you increase frequency. Meaning, the off-axis response of an 8" driver is going to be absolutely terrible at the ~4khz needed to mate with a supertweeter. And this is absolutely regardless of speaker; it's directly related to diameter. Even for a 6.5" speaker 4khz is going to be far less than ideal. If we assume the 6.5" speaker has a 5.5" radiating diameter, then the driver is going to begin beaming around 2400hz. If an 8" speaker has a 7" radiating diameter, then it's going to begin beaming around 1900hz.
  19. Impious

    12's over 15's

    The 12's have less cone area, which means lower potential output capabilities. But it's a better trade-off than having 15's stuffed in an enclosure that's too small.
  20. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My bad, I did stop at the section that said the US voted against the arms treaty. In fairness, you also have to consider how Mitt's policies would have affected things over the same conditions. For example (off the top of my head), under Mitt GM would have went belly up. Under Obama, they survived the decline and IIRC actually did pretty well this year. Again, I'll simply point out that disliking how Obama has handled things doesn't inherently make Mitt a better option. Just because Obama hasn't been stellar doesn't mean Mitt would have been or will be better. Of course, if your a Republican then you're going to argue that it will be better, if you're a Democrat you're going to argue that it'll be worse. I tend to focus as much or more on public policy issues as I do economic. That's the main reason I can't envision supporting Romney. On top of everything else; he's Mormon. Being an atheist I'm obviously not a fan of religion, but IMO it takes a special sort of crazy to believe in Mormonism. And I generally disagree with the public policy decisions Rep's make as a result of their faith to start with, much less having an excessively crazy variety of Rep in office.
  21. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    What do you mean "IF"? He will win. I hope so. Not saying Obama has been great, but Mitt scares me. Not liking Obama doesn't inherently make Mitt a better option. It's the lesser of the 2 evils....but then again, that's all politics is. If either side were "right", we wouldn't need to have debates Feel free to look at whatever source you would like to. It is common knowledge that the UN resolution is being considered and it is desired by the Obama administration. I just clicked on the first link. I'm confused. You say Obama desires an Arms Treaty, then post 2 links that show the US voted against the treaty ?
  22. Impious

    RF Pro Audio Mids

    Mating an 8" mid to a supertweeter is not a good plan, at all. What is your budget? What do you have for processing?
  23. Impious

    DirecTv + thunderstorm = FTMFL

    Our cable used to go out more often than our Dish Network.
  24. Impious

    AA Mayhem size

    Mounting depth of 7.75 inches means from the sub is 7.75 inches tall from the back of the backplate to the bottom of the mounting ring. I'm presuming Mounting Depth is the figure you need to know, and it's already provided.
  25. Impious

    how much?

    I believe Don saves all of the measurements he receives from people, so if he's already had some customers with the same or similar vehicle it will save OP some time of having to do the measurements himself.