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Everything posted by Impious

  1. I can't find it now and don't know if the new amps are the same way, but the Power series a generation or two ago had an FR that had a 1.5db or 3db peak (can't remember exactly) in the response in the bass and again in the treble. So if the output was rated at 0db but they measured for the birthsheet at one of the "peaks" then the power would inherently show 50-100% higher on the birthsheet.
  2. By "no input signal from the headunit", have you physically disconnected the RCA's from the amplifiers input ? My first thought is turn on pop, which is caused by the amplifier turning on before the HU is completely on. If this is the case physically removing the RCA's from the amp would solve the problem....Obviously not a long term solution, but it would tell you if that is indeed the problem.
  3. The folks at JL are generally pretty smart fellas, if they recommend 2.375cuft I'd imagine the driver would perform pretty well. That said you can adjust net volume and tuning to better match your goals if your goals differ from what JL's goals when recommending the 2.375cuft enclosure. Yes, glue them together. As long as the sheets properly bond with the glue they should not rattle loose. Use bracing within the enclosure as well. Changing the dimensions is fine, however the change in port height will however require you adjust either width to keep port area the same, or adjust port length to keep tuning the same. If I understand your question correctly no it doesn't matter. If you are going ported, I would recommend sticking with a standard slot port. Given this is going in a smaller sized truck with limited space is a ported enclosure a necessity? Might be easier to go sealed and still get good performance especially if you are limited on space.
  4. Impious

    Trident 12'' sub (an on going design thread)

    That's a pretty damn serious motor you are designing there. Also very versatile, I could think of a couple fun things to do with it. What diameter spider is that going to use to match the throw of the motor?
  5. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    On top of that I'd worry that the type of tenants a trailer would attract would be lower quality tenants which could cause more headaches than it's worth. Not a guaranty, but something that I'd think about before renting it out. I do have many customers at my work who live in trailers and pay us like a shot. But generally speaking........
  6. There is some value in purchasing a product from a "mainstream" company that has a higher likelihood of still being in business several years down the road in case there is a need for product support, warranty work and parts/service, access to product information, name recognition (selling on the used market like craigslist, etc), so on and so forth.
  7. Why? The numbers from a clamp test are certain to be completely useless. And for a daily driver system they are even more irrelevant.
  8. Impious

    in the market for components and amp

    Have you done any sound deadening to the vehicle? If not then you need to include enough in that budget atleast for the front doors. Good sound from components is just as much about the installation as it is the speakers.
  9. If they are the same price I would go with the Focal. I don't believe it would sound any "better" or necessarily perform any "better" than the Alpine, but given their relative MSRP price point differences I would suspect the Focal might use better quality parts and/or design so it *could* possibly last a little longer. As M5 pointed out will hold better resale value and the top mounted controls as Aaron pointed out are also a possible plus for the Focal.
  10. Impious

    3 sa15s ohm load

    Yes and completely unnecessary unless you plan to compete in SPL. Put the $$ you would have spent on a 2nd BC2K towards much better uses instead. There's no such thing as "box rise". Impedance fluctuates as a function of many things....heat, frequency, etc. Don't count on it to save you from blowing up an amplifier if you wire below the recommended nominal impedance.
  11. How much are both of the amplifiers?
  12. Impious

    3 sa15s ohm load

    If you wired them in series-parallel it would be a 1.3ohm load. If this is for a daily driver system I would recommend sticking with the BC2000, I don't see the additional cost and electrical system requirements of the 3500 to be worth the minimal audible difference.
  13. Impious

    Some basics for Sound Quality purposes

    The term "audiophile" has a pretty ubiquitous connotation to most in this hobby, both car & home. It's generally used to describe someone who believes there are aspects at every stage of the reproduction process which lie beyond or can not be completely captured and explained by science (i.e. measurements and other empirical analysis), or they use very obscure theories to try to explain why one product is empirically "better" than another. Those who put emphasis on empirical analysis use the term as an insult, implying they are ignorant and lack logical, rational thought. Those who consider themselves "audiophiles" use it as a term of endearment, suggesting they are more enlightened, informed and attentive. It extends well beyond the "mods" of this forum to the general application of the term by thousands and thousands of enthusiasts throughout the hobby.
  14. Impious

    Re-cone help

    Without knowing details about the coils I can't say for certain, but it sounds like it's possible the coils used for the recones are different than the coils originally used on the BL. If that's the case I would agree with Swift, best to recone them all.
  15. Impious

    Crescendo Amp Help

    There is no way to do it accurately with a DMM. Why do you want to know? This information is generally not something the average user needs or needs to worry about except for very unique situations. Why? sqrt(Power * Impedance) = Voltage You can use rated power to calculate the voltage output of the amplifier at rated power. The voltage output of the amplifier has to do with the rail voltage of the amp, not the load.
  16. Honestly having a dealer in the middle does change the game. I understand that it sounds like you both have dealt with IA directly and both received the same story; no refund, no product changes. However, it's the dealers job to make this right with you, not IA's. The dealer will have to take his issues up with IA after he's satisfied you. This is the risk the dealer took when he decided to become a dealer....it's part of doing business. Sometimes he's going to have to take a loss to make a customer happy when he's getting screwed by one of his brands. I really don't think you have much recourse with IA directly, your issue is with the dealer. If you want a refund he needs to refund you. If you want a different product it's up to him to get it to you. It's shitty that IA is in the background potentially screwing him, but again that's his cost of doing business and a risk he decided to take by becoming a dealer.
  17. It could be the settings, such as an improperly set lowpass filter. Otherwise your description of the problem sounds much more like an issue with the enclosure/subwoofer than with the amplifier. What is your sub, what enclosure and vehicle is it in, and what do you have everything in the system set at right now?
  18. Impious


    The Dcon will shine ported. If you have the space, you will be much happier with that driver in a ported enclosure.
  19. Impious


    Depends on your definition of "loud". It will get loud enough in a sealed enclosure for my tastes when listening to music at a normal listening level, but don't expect to be shaking houses as you drive by. Also low frequency extension is going to suffer with that driver in a sealed enclosure, those drivers really perform better in ported enclosures. IMO with that driver, especially if you are worried about output, ported is the way to go. Would you have the room to go ported?
  20. I was going to suggest you try it in a different vehicle. The amp shouldn't act weird just being wired to the battery, which makes me wonder if maybe the amp didn't have a problem which took out the remote wire on the CD player as well.
  21. Impious

    sd-2 12

    Best for what?
  22. Impious

    Happy Birthday Ryan (Tirefryr)

    Happy Bday!
  23. Impious

    breaking in subwoofers

    There is no reason to do so.
  24. Impious

    breaking in subwoofers

    You don't. You plug them in and play them like you normally would and they will break in naturally over time with regular normal use. You won't damage them by simply connecting them and using them as normal. That's all you need to do.
  25. What exactly would you like to know? Sounds like you already have the amp, hook it up and see if you like it.