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Everything posted by Impious

  1. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, almost to 1k here
  2. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And that wasn't intended to be in response to the whore statement...... EDIT ~ If you want to catch up, skip back to page 4645 and start flipping through the pages (backwards). Figure I'll edit this post here as it should be close to the top of the page for most people. Save you from flipping through a whole bunch of pages. ~ Steve
  3. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Women are retarded.
  4. Impious

    radiomobile help

    Take a pic....we may be able to guess at it for ya
  5. Impious

    radiomobile help

    Never heard of them before...... What particularly do you want the owner's manual for?
  6. Impious

    titan subwoofers?

  7. Impious

    The Official TeamSSA Subwoofer Thread

    Can't really give a quantity discount when the price is only the actual cost of the driver to begin with
  8. Impious

    General Consensus on XXX mids

    Depends on how high you are running them If you wanted to run them over 1khz.....I'd look into other options as 1khz is about the highest they can cleanly play.
  9. Impious

    The Official TeamSSA Subwoofer Thread

    Then that puts us at 7 You know....if someone were to run a pair of these, they'd effectively have a 100db/w/m substage
  10. Impious

    The Official TeamSSA Subwoofer Thread

    You advertise it to other "deserving" members on other forums? No, cause I'm not sure how to handle that yet. Kind of hoping for some suggestions
  11. Impious

    The Official TeamSSA Subwoofer Thread

    We need more drivers sold here guys.......
  12. Impious

    How's my frontstage sound?

    If you're going to do that, I'd consider a 2.5way Have one pair of extremis dedicated soley to midbass (say...60hz-250hz), one pair playing the full midbass/midrange region (around 60hz to 1khz), then the horns taking car of ~1khz up. Takes care of some problems that may arise from running dual midrange drivers....
  13. Impious

    RC's Amp Challenge

    "far more precise" how? It's late, so my initial logic here on the figures may not be totally accurate....but if the amp, with 1% components played 20-20khz at +/-1db, then you add a 5% error in that level you are now at 20-20khz @ +/- 1.05db. A difference in frequency response of .05db is NOT going to be audible (the MINIMUM for a trained ear is .25db..untrained ~1db).. Distortion differences of .05% are NOT going to be audible. But, on that note.....the premise of the amp challenge is NOT to prove that "all amps sound the same"
  14. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You know....at some point in time we are going to be classified as an "ancient civilization". Our "antique" technology will be thoroughly dissected, and people will marvel at how advanced we were given our primative state. People will be digging for some odd reason and come across our "burial grounds", and after the excavation gets under way bewilderment will set in about evenly spaced the deceased are and how they are all buried at an equal depth. There will be translators specializing in our ancient dialect, decoding our written works to determine what information it contains. Our migratory patterns will be studied for centuries to determine how we settled where we settled, and where to dig to find the best archeological finds. Our entire way of life, everything we've ever known will become the tales of mystic lore. We will be a forgotten civilization. Relatively unkown and not understood by future earth inhabitants.
  15. Impious

    RC's Amp Challenge

    http://forum.elitecaraudio.com/showthread....threadid=123226 Excellent read on the topic. If you ever have some free time on your hands, another good read: http://forum.elitecaraudio.com/showthread....threadid=123205 as werewolf does a good job of tackling the "anti-RC" crowd's typical complaints
  16. Impious

    WTF....Need Help

    Well, today I was driving down the road with the stereo playing at my typical volume when all of a sudden all the lights on my dash (digital readouts) shut off for a split second, then come back on. At the exact same time this happens, my stereo drops in volume by a good 10-15db and gets extremely distorted. It basically sounded like my subs cut off, mids stopped playing and tweets got extremely distorted and dropped in volume. This only lasted 1 second at most, but immediately after it happened my car started having major voltage drop when the bass hit (mind you, I've never even had my lights dim with this setup). I don't have a voltmeter in my car, so I don't know exactly *how much* it drops.....but when the voltage drops low enough that it shuts down the CD player you know it's not good Anyways....so I shut down the sub for the rest of my trip (5 more miles), get to my destination and am in there for about 10 minutes. Come back out and everything seems fine after a few miles of heavy play again, voltage drop appears to be gone as I have no more light dimming on my dash digital readouts. Then, about 5 miles from work my voltage suddenly drops so low that it almost stalls my car (I had no light dimming, etc previous to this on my trip back to work....all appeared well). And now it's having major voltage problems......pressing the brake peddle causes the lights to dim, and operating two power windows at the same time causes the voltage to drop low enough it shuts down the CD player. Not only this, but I now also have very, very audible alternator whine Any ideas WTF is going on? My only thought is that there is a problem internally in my alt which caused AC rippling, etc, which wreaked havoc on my electrical system and stereo equipment.
  17. Impious

    The Official TeamSSA Subwoofer Thread

    And it will be......due to it's incredilatious performance
  18. Impious

    WTF....Need Help

    Turns out my luck ain't so bad this go 'round My belt tensioner pulley disintegrated and fell off of the engine, causing the belt to slip, causing the alternator to not charge properly, causing my battery to not get recharged. The smoke and squeeling was the belt slipping, and not the alt itself apparently
  19. Impious

    Rlp t/s?

    It only views correctly in IE. In Mozilla they get all scrunched up together and not properly spaced.
  20. Impious

    The Official TeamSSA Subwoofer Thread

    Too bad, so sad. I want backstage tickets to that concert
  21. Impious

    WTF....Need Help

    Naw.....don't really need one right now, will probably never need one in the future......not worth the extra expense and wait time (considering I need my car running right now, and not 4 weeks from now when the alt arrives)
  22. Impious

    The Official TeamSSA Subwoofer Thread

    Or we should just replace the dustcap with a Dildo
  23. Impious

    WTF....Need Help

    Pisses me off too......I was jamming to my new Eagles CD, that I just bought 10 minutes before my car died. I didn't even get all the way through Hotel California :(