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Everything posted by Impious

  1. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It simply amazes me how many "audiophiles" discount science and the scientific method in favor of thier own "golden ears".
  2. Impious

    Eq question

    Graphic EQ: Center frequency and Q factor are fixed and can not be changed. Only thing you can adjust is the boost/cut at each predetermined frequency. Usually have a higher number of bands, anywhere from 15 to 31 bands. Parametric EQ: Center frequency, Q factor and boost/cut are all user-adjustable within a certain range. Due to this, they typically have a lower number of bands...from 4 to 10. Graphics are good if you want to be able to have general adjustability over the entire frequency spectrum of your system. The higher number of bands, obviously, allows you to adjust more frequencies throughout the frequency spectrum. However, the frequencies and Q's are fixed.....so if you have a problem that you need to correct at, say, 1225hz, but your graphic EQ doesn't have this as one of it's center frequencies than you must tinker with the available bands above and below that frequency to smooth out the problem area. A parametric EQ is good for targeting specific problem areas within your stereo. Due to it's greater adjustability, you can pinpoint specific areas that need work. However, due to their lower number of bands, you can't adjust as many frequencies. So, if you have 15 areas you want to adjust, but only have a 7 band parametric EQ you are sort of limited on what you can fix and what you can't fix. Here's something I wrote up on CA.com aswell: http://forums.caraudio.com/vb/showpost.php...772&postcount=4
  3. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yes, that petite little voice is the voice of my offspring.
  4. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL.....Santa called my daughter http://wmee.com/media%5Cnatalie.mp3
  5. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Though going active again is going to kill me.....now my mind is racing 100 miles a minute thinking of all of the different speakers I can try out
  6. Impious

    Team LB audio

    No Happy Hanukah? What about our Jewish brethren? Not that I am one......just always wondered why everyone says Merry Xmas, inherently excluding the Jewish.
  7. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nice. Good price. Though I'll stick with my H701
  8. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And smelled
  9. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I just had the stinkiest diarrhea And it sucked.
  10. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But my patience paid off! Just purchased an Alpine H701/C701 combo brand new and authorized for cheaper than I've seen them go used, and cheaper than they go on egay!!!!!!!!!! I'm so schmucking excited!
  11. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I am so pucking impatient.
  12. Impious

    I'm going to be a dad...

    Yeah yeah...that's good news and all. But the real important thing to consider here......does this mean you are out of the 18" custom sub deal?
  13. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    RATM sucks. Lyrics suck. And musically they aren't my taste. The lead singer has a horrible voice aswell. My $.02
  14. Impious

    I have something coming in the mail...

    You actually visit that chithole of a forum?
  15. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've been able to put off the engagement for 8-9yrs....hoping I can hold off on the actual wedding for another 8 or 9.....LOL No, but seriously....I don't want the weather too hot or too cold, so I'm thinking early-fall of *some year*, probably '07 or '08.
  16. Impious

    General Consensus on XXX mids

    No mic'd spectrum or frequency analysis there
  17. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well, went out and bought my noose...er, I mean, a wedding ring for the wifey yesterday. Going to give it to her and propose xmas day.
  18. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And that wasn't intended to be in response to the whore statement...... EDIT ~ If you want to catch up, skip back to page 4645 and start flipping through the pages (backwards). Figure I'll edit this post here as it should be close to the top of the page for most people. Save you from flipping through a whole bunch of pages. ~ Steve I feel so......violated. And I like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  19. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    1k......I'm done now
  20. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    But a whole new pucking career
  21. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Not just a new job
  22. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need a new career
  23. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    So bored
  24. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Might as well finish the job