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Everything posted by Impious

  1. Impious

    Post your Audio Setup!!!

    LOL....my how times change
  2. Hoping someone like Scott @ Fi or some of the other manufacturers/designers on this forum will chime in here. When designing a driver how are small signal parameters and large signal peformance considered or correlated throughout the design and testing phase of the product? For example; Are the target (small signal) T/S parameters and design analyized via computer program and then large signal performance tested simply by "playing" with and testing the physical driver? Or are the large and small signal performance predicted via computer and then the physical driver tested? Do you have any sort of target large parameter shift when designing a driver compared to the small signal T/S parameters? Basically, what is the actual process in designing a driver and how do the differences between small and large signal analysis/performance fall into that process?
  3. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My son cracks me up sometimes at the things he knows that you wouldn't think he'd know. I'm sitting at the PC doing the forum thing cause the fiancee was watching some stupid chick chit on TV. My son comes in and says he wants to sit on my lap. So I plop him down. I let go of the mouse as I'm reading a thread and he grabs it and says "Point up there" and starts moving the cursor to the upper right hand corner of the screen. "What are you doing bud?" I ask. "I point up there" he responds "Why?" "All done." he says. "What do you mean?" "All done" he says again as he manages to hold the cursor over the "X" and clicks the correct button on the mouse to close the window....and then laughs at me when I'm like "What he hell!?!" He's friggin' 3 years old and already knows how to navigate windows!
  4. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Anything cool going on? Triple-homicide/suicide? Will I see you getting interviewed on Montel Williams ?
  5. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This one should make Jim pretty happy; http://www.fosgateaudionics.com/products/FAP-V1.asp
  6. Very nice response Neil. From your description, it sounds like they use FEA aswell as their previously learned knowledge to come up with a pretty accurate idea of both small and large signal performance before any physical parts start going together. Would still like to get some others playing in the sandbox though Since, as you mentioned, different engineers take slightly different approaches.
  7. Impious

    2,480cm^2 of Sd FTMFW

    I was originally wanting to find the Gti versions...but they are hard to find in good-condition matching sets Those team JBL guys (and girls) get all of the fun stuff.
  8. Impious

    2,480cm^2 of Sd FTMFW

    Inductance isn't crazy low @ 1.75mH...but then again, it uses a 4" coil so that's pretty reasonable. Full specs are here; http://www.jblpro.com/pages/pub/components/2241.pdf And sorry Kent....batteries in the camera died LOL.....
  9. Impious

    2,480cm^2 of Sd FTMFW

    Yup. Gonna run them IB in my rear deck. Only reason I actually went for them is because I got them for a pretty great price.....$225 shipped for the pair. Indeed it is. Same motor, slightly different soft parts.
  10. Of all the units I've owned; Rockford Fosgate (Denford) RFX-8240
  11. Impious

    Interesting new speaker

    FS of 650hz with a recommended xover point of >800hz....not terribly impressive. More like a low playing tweeter than an actual midrange, and completely defeats the purpose of a "3-way" system design by having the xover point smack in the middle of the midrange frequency range....not to mention the "dedicated midbass" would need to play pretty high...high enough that you would no longer be in the sanctity of the midbass realm where only time arrival matters and not speaker aiming. Heck, the Dayton RS28 tweeter has a lower FS than the S1. Theil's 2-way coincident midrange/tweeter combo on the other hand.....Genesis has a version coming out that I believe can play from 300hz on up. Although it's going to MSRP @ $799/pair http://thielaudio.com/THIEL_Site05/Pages/T...nicoildiag.html
  12. Impious

    Interesting new speaker

    Npdang over on DIYMA was supposed to have one for testing....but I haven't seen anything where he's posted the results of any testing.
  13. Impious

    Premium Series 18" Driver

    That's good stuff right there
  14. Impious

    18" RL-p under production

    It's next week
  15. Image Dynamics IDW and IDQ8 Round Solo's Illusion Audio ND series (not really "discontinued"...moreso went out of business) JL Audio 10IB4 & 12IB4 (the 8IB4's can still be found in BMW stealthboxes) JBL 1500Gti & 1800Gti Velodyne Servo controlled car audio subs The older OZ Audio subs, like the 200/250/300 series Infinity Beta Coustic Design Reference CV Strokers (originals) That's all I can think of off hand.......
  16. Impious

    18" RL-p under production

    <-- Should have some 18" holes in his rear deck this spring
  17. Impious

    18" RL-p under production

    About damn time! Can't wait to see the specs and pricing New 18" anodized cone with laser etched SS Logo Sounds like it'll look titties...can't wait to see some pics too And if it does look titties...is this going to be added to the entire lineup or just the 18" ?
  18. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have progressive... WHat is your complaint? My fiancee was rear ended back in December. The girl who hit her has Progressive. So, inevitably, Progressive is trying to get in contact with my fiancee to get her to sign forms, etc in an effort to trick her into releasing Progressive from any further responsibility. They are minipulative, lie, and are harrassing at this point (legally considered harrassment, according to the attorney). My fiancee finally called a lawyer today in an attempt to get the never ending BS to stop
  19. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Deal is still working to get the JBL 2241H's for an insanely good price. I hope it doesn't fall thru....or that I don't get screwed....and that they perform admirably IB....
  20. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you are ever in an accident, pray to god the person who hit you doesn't have Progessive Auto insurance.......
  21. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Might have a deal working to get a pair of JBL 2241H subs for a very nice price. That would be teh boobies.
  22. Impious

    favorite forum

    Out of those options; Definitely here. DIYMA/ECA.....I think I prefer those slightly more as there is a larger member base as opposed to here (so there are more posts/topics) and people like werewolf, Kevin7909, audionutz (Steve Head), Chuck Music, etc are unbelievable assets from a knowledge standpoint. But from a looks/skins POV, I think this forum with the upgrade is one of the better looking forums. And I prefer the general member base of this forum as opposed to most others.
  23. Impious

    more mods are being made to the forum

    I like the new looks/features other than that, though....
  24. Impious

    more mods are being made to the forum

    I don't mind ads anywhere on the forum page...other than right in the middle of the threads
  25. Impious

    18" Q Series Specs

    I'm impatient What's the T/S for the 18" Q series?