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Everything posted by Impious

  1. Impious

    Elemental designs sound deadening

    If you look at some of the more objective information on the forums, it indicates that neither of those statements are overly accurate. Unless we use the terms "work well" and "good value" very loosely. And that's independent of any particular feelings about the owner. Don, for example, has written probably close to a book about the quality and effectiveness of eDead over the years.
  2. Impious

    Generated Square Wave vs Forced Square Wave

    For a sine wave, RMS Voltage is; Vrms = 0.707*Vpeak For a square wave, RMS Voltage is; Vrms = Vpeak And Average Power (also known as RMS power, even though that term technically doesn't exist) Pavg = (Vrms)^2/R As you can see, for a square wave RMS voltage is equal to peak voltage, so compared to a sine wave average power will double.
  3. Impious

    2 Way for the Silverado

    Unfortunately these types of questions are always hard to answer as there are hundreds of options and combinations. But I will say that the SB Acoustics drivers have really had my interest lately. Zaph always has great things to say about them, and Mark K and some of the other objective testers have all had good things to say about them. They aren't the best in any one category, but seem to fair very well over all and on top of that are affordable. They have a ring radiator type tweeter which Zaph rated pretty well. Though Zaph doesn't give off axis plots, being a ring radiator style driver it's off axis response could possibly suffer a bit.
  4. Impious

    Elemental designs sound deadening

    I was thinking the exact same thing. And since he has too much class to shamelessly plug his own link.....I'll shamelessly plug it for him If you haven't yet, click the link in Don's signature. Plenty of great information on that site that should help point you in the right direction. My first question would be what type of rattles are occurring? Panels rubbing against each other, or panel vibrations? You need to know what symptoms you're treating before you can chose the most effective product for curing them.
  5. Impious

    Damping Factor

    Audioholics article on DF http://www.audioholi...system-response Much ballyhoo surrounds the concept of "damping factor." It's been suggested that it accounts for the alleged "dramatic differences" in sound between tube and solid state amplifiers. The claim is made (and partially cloaked in some physical reality) that a low source resistance aids in controlling the motion of the cone at resonance and elsewhere, for example: "reducing the output impedance of an amplifier and thereby increasing its damping factor will draw more energy from the loudspeaker driver as it is oscillating under its own inertial power." This is certainly true, to a point. But many of the claims made, especially for the need for triple-digit damping factors, are not based in any reality, be it theoretical, engineering, or acoustical. This same person even suggested: "a damping factor of 5, ..., grossly changes the time/amplitude envelope of bass notes, for instance. ... the note will start sluggishly and continue to increase in volume for a considerable amount of time, perhaps a second and a half." Damping Factor: A Summary What is damping factor? Simply stated, it is the ratio between the nominal load impedance (typically 8W ) and the source impedance of the amplifier. Note that all modern amplifiers (with some extremely rare exceptions) are, essentially, voltage sources, whose output impedance is very low. That means their output voltage is independent, over a wide range, of load impedance. Many manufacturers trumpet their high damping factors (some claim figures in the hundreds or thousands) as a figure of some importance, hinting strongly that those amplifiers with lower damping factors are decidedly inferior as a result. Historically, this started in the late '60's and early '70's with the widespread availability of solid state output stages in amplifiers, where the effects of high plate resistance and output transformer windings traditionally found in tube amplifiers could be avoided. Is damping factor important? Maybe. We'll set out to do an analysis of what effect damping factor has on what most proponents claim is the most significant property: controlling the motion of the speaker where it is at its highest, resonance. The subject of damping factor and its effects on loudspeaker response is not some black art or magic science, or even excessively complex as to prevent its grasp by anyone with a reasonable grasp of high-school level math. It has been exhaustively dealt with by Thiele and Small and many others decades ago. System Q and Damping Factor The definitive measurement of such motion is a concept called . Technically, it is the ratio of the motional impedance to losses at resonance. It is a figure of merit that is intimately connected to the response of the system in both the frequency and the time domains. A loudspeaker system's response at cutoff is determined by the system's total , designated , and represents the total resistive losses in the system. Two loss components make up : the combined mechanical and acoustical losses, designated by , and the electrical losses, designated by . The total is related to each of these components as follows: is determined by the losses in the driver suspension, absorption losses in the enclosure, leakage losses, and so on. is determined by the combination of the electrical resistance from the DC resistance of the voice coil winding, lead resistance, crossover components, and amplifier source resistance. Thus, it is the electrical , , that is affected by the amplifier source resistance, and thus damping factor. The effect of source resistance on is simple and straightforward. From Small(3): where is the new electrical with the effect of source resistance, is the electrical assuming 0W source resistance (infinite damping factor), is the voice coil DC resistance, and is the combined source resistance. It's very important at this point to note two points. First, in nearly every loudspeaker system, and certainly in every loudspeaker system that has nay pretenses of high-fidelity, the majority of the losses are electrical in nature, usually by a factor of 3 to 1 or greater. Secondly, of those electrical losses, the largest part, by far, is the DC resistance of the voice coil. Now, once we know the new due to non-zero source resistances, we can then recalculate the total system as needed using eq. 2, above. The effect of the total on response at resonance is also fairly straightforward. Again, from Small, we find: This is valid for values greater than 0.707. Below that, the system response is over-damped and there is no response peak. We can also calculated how long it takes for the system to damp itself out under these various conditions. The scope of this article precludes a detailed description of the method, but the figures we'll look at later on are based on both simulations and measurements of real systems, and the resulting decay times are based on well-established principles of the audibility of reverberation times at the frequencies of interest. Practical Effects of Damping Factor on System Response With this information in hand, we can now set out to examine what the exact effect of source resistance and damping factor are on real loudspeaker systems. Let's take an example of a closed-box, acoustic suspension system, one that has been optimized for an amplifier with an infinite damping factor. This system, let's say, has a system resonance of 40 Hz and a system of 0.707 which leads to a maximally flat response with no peak at system resonance. The mechanical of such a system is typically about 3, we'll take that for our model. Rearranging Eq. 1 to derive the electrical of the system, we find that the electrical of the system, with an infinite damping factor, is 0.925. The DC resistance of the voice coil is typical at about 6.5 W . From this data and the equations above, let's generate a table that shows the effects of progressively lower damping factors on the system performance [see table in article] The first column is the damping factor using a nominal 8W load. The second is the effective amplifier source resistance that yields that damping factor. The third column is the resulting caused by the non-zero source resistance, the fourth is the new total system that results. The fifth column is the resulting peak that is the direct result of the loss of damping control because of the non-zero source resistance, and the last column is the decay time to below audibility in seconds. Analysis Several things are apparent from this table. First and foremost, any notion of severe overhang or extended "time amplitude envelopes) resulting from low damping factors simple does not exist. We see, at most, a doubling of decay time (this doubling is true no matter what criteria is selected for decay time). The figure we see here of 70 milliseconds is well over an order of magnitude lower than that suggested by one person, and this represents what I think we all agree is an absolute worst-case scenario of a damping factor of 1. Secondly, the effects of this loss of damping on system frequency response is non-existent in most cases, and minimal in all but the worst case scenario. Using the criteria that 0.1 dB is the smallest audible peak, the data in the table suggests that any damping factor over 10 is going to result in inaudible differences between that and one equal to infinity. It's highly doubtful that a response peak of 1/3 dB is going to be identifiable reliably, thus extending the limit another factor of two lower to a damping factor of 5. All this is well and good, but the argument suggesting that these minute changes may be audible suffers from even more fatal flaws. The differences that we see in figures up to the point where the damping factor is less than 10 are far less than the variations seen in normal driver-to-driver parameters in single-lot productions. Even those manufacturers who deliberately sort and match drivers are not likely to match a figure to better than 5%, and those numbers will swamp any differences in damping factor greater than 20. Further, the performance of drivers and systems is dependent upon temperature, humidity and barometric pressure, and those environmental variables will introduce performance changes on the order of those presented by damping factors of 20 or less. And we have completely ignored the effects presented by the crossover and lead resistances, which will be a constant in any of these figures, and further diminish the effects of non-zero source resistance. Frequency-Dependent Attenuation The analysis thus far deals with one very specific and narrow aspect of the effects of non-zero source resistance: damping or the dissipation and control of energy stored in the mechanical resonance of loudspeakers. This is not to suggest that there is no effect due to amplifier output resistance. Another mechanism that most certainly can have measurable and audible effects are response errors due to the frequency dependent impedance load presented by the speaker. The higher the output resistance of the source, the greater the magnitude of the response deviations. The attenuation can be approximated given the source resistance and impedance vs. frequency: where is the gain or loss due to attenuation, is the amplifier source resistance, and is the frequency dependent loudspeaker impedance. As a means of comparison, let's reexamine the effects of non-zero source resistance on a typical speaker whose impedance varies from a low of 6 ohms to a high of 40 ohms. [see table in article] As before, the first column shows the nominal 8 ohm damping factor, the second shows the corresponding output resistance of the amplifier. The second and third columns show the minimum and maximum attenuation due to the amplifier's source resistance, and the last column illustrates the resulting deviation in the frequency response caused by the output resistance. What can be seen from this analysis is that the frequency dependent attenuation due to the amplifier's output resistance is more significant than the effects on system damping. More importantly, these effects should not be confused with damping effects, as they represent two different mechanisms. However, these data do not support the assertion often made for the advantages of extremely high damping factors. Even given, again, the very conservative argument that ±0.1 dB deviation in frequency response is audible, that still suggests that damping factors in excess of 50 will not lead to audible improvements, all else being equal. And, as before, these deviations must be considered in the context of normal response variations due to manufacturing tolerances and environmental changes. Conclusions There may be audible differences that are caused by non-zero source resistance. However, this analysis and any mode of measurement and listening demonstrates conclusively that it is not due to the changes in damping the motion of the cone at the point where it's at it's most uncontrolled: system resonances. Even considering the substantially larger response variations resulting from the non-flat impedance vs. frequency function of most loudspeakers, the magnitude of the problem simply is not what is claimed. Rather, the people advocating the importance of high damping factors must look elsewhere for a culprit: motion control at resonance, or damping, simply fails to explain the claimed differences.
  6. Impious

    Damping Factor

    Stephen Mantz on DF http://zedaudiocorp....l-GREYSCALE.pdf Damping Factor – This amplifier specification has been blown out of all proportion. What it means is the ability of the amplifier to resist a change in it’s output voltage. The formula is DF = Speaker Z/Amplifier output Z (where Z is impedance). So many manufacturers have claimed ridiculous, and often false damping factors. A damping factor of 1000 implies that the output impedance of the amplifier is .004ohm (4ohm load). The only way to attain this figure is to apply masses of negative feedback (or use positive feedback) and too much feedback makes amplifiers sound harsh and clinical. Also damping factor changes with frequency. The lower the frequency the higher the DF number. Typically the DF can be ten times larger at higher frequencies. Let us take this amplifier whose output impedance is .004 ohms (Zout). The speaker circuit is a series circuit and the following impedances (resistances) are in series with this .004 ohms. Let us assume that this DF measurement was made at the amplifier’s speaker terminal. The first extra contact resistance is the speaker wire to the speaker terminal (WT ohms). Then there is that of the wire itself for two conductors (W). Next is the contact resistance of the wire to the speaker terminal (WS). Next there is the contact resistance of the wire from the speaker terminal to the voice coil (WV) and lastly there is the DC resistance of the voice coil itself (DCR). So what we have is a series circuit with the following resistances in series and adding up. WT+W+WS+WV+DCR+Zout. WT, W, WS, WV and Zout are very small indeed. Certainly less than .1 ohms. Whoa, look what has happened the EFFECTIVE DAMPING FACTOR has been reduced from 1000 to 40 by just taking into account those pesky unavoidable contact resistances. Now for the cruncher, remember that the DCR is also in series and is typically 3.2 ohms for a nominal 4ohm speaker. So we must add 0.1+3.2 = 3.3 ohms and now EFFECTIVE DAMPING FACTOR is now a magnificent 1.212! (4 divided by 3.3). This is the real world. We see that the DCR of the speaker swamps all other resistances in the speaker circuit and the .004 ohms amplifier output impedance is almost meaningless. It has been found that a DF of about 20 is quite sufficient to dampen the voltage spikes from the speaker. An eye opener this one is it not? Good tube amps sound marvelous – low damping factors!
  7. Impious


  8. Impious


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  15. Impious


  16. Impious

    Welcome to the IHoP

    These craigslist fuckers are really starting to piss me off. I'm not an idiot. I know what my equipment is worth, and I'm not hurting for $$ so I'm not going to give it away for $.10 on the dollar......so quit making ridiculous ass offers!! Fucking morons.
  17. Impious


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  19. Impious


  20. Impious


  21. Impious


  22. Impious

    12" Dcon Review

    After initially listening ported, the low end came alive but I lost upper end response. I tried various box positions just to be sure that it wasn't install related. I ended up bringing the overall sub level up 3-4db, effectively increasing power to the driver, and then EQ'd down the low end since it was a little peaky and overbearing down low for normal everyday listening with music (but it sure was fun when blasting the volume!). This brought the upper end response to the level it needed to be and smoothed out the low end. Overall the driver performs well. It lost some quality compared to IB. The notes aren't quite as well defined and precise. There's some slight overhang compared to the previous alignment. Transitions aren't quite as seamless. This isn't to say the driver sounds bad, it's still more than listenable and would perform admirably for someone looking for a good sounding daily driver. It however isn't as precise and accurate as it was IB. Music with fast transitions between notes and constantly shifting bass lines helps mask the deficiencies.....they aren't quite as pronounced but a bit of overhang and blending of the notes is noticeable. On music with solid, defined notes in quick succession is where it's most notable but still acceptable for daily listening. Though this is might not be the ideal alignment for those who place the highest priority on accuracy. The low end however has improved markedly as I had suspected would be the case. As I noted above, I actually had to tame down the low end as it could get overbearing. Definitely no lack of low end output now. This driver ported has absolutely no problems reaching output levels well behind that which is necessary for everyday listening and should be sufficient for all but the most die hard bassheads. It's capable of finding rattles in my dash I never knew existed. My past few setups have all been single sub sealed or IB, so this is the loudest setup I've had in my car for quite a while. Overall after testing the driver both IB and in a ported enclosure, I stand by my initial impression of 7/10. In a ported enclosure there's some loss of accuracy with the benefit of enhanced low end output. In IB (and likely also sealed) the accuracy is overall good but it lacks low end output. If I were to recommend this driver, I would recommend it for a ported enclosure. To me, the slight loss in accuracy is worth the benefit of low end presence. The driver should perform quite well in a ported enclosure for someone looking for an inexpensive, quality driver with great output and adequate sound quality for daily listening.
  23. This review is a result of the SSA Dcon Give Away here on DIYMA. So, first I would like to thank Aaron & Mark of SSA for participating in the give-away and providing 2 free drivers to members of the community. Specifications for the driver can be found HERE. The cost for the driver once added to the cart in the shopping section of the SSA website is $165 plus shipping. As you can see from the below picture, the driver is single boxed with 4 foam pads glued to the sides of the box at the mounting ring and (not visible) foam padding underneath the motor structure with an inner cardboard "box" that surrounds the motor structure. The driver did shift slightly during shipping, one side of the basket slipped down underneath one of the side foam supports, but was otherwise unscathed. The sub itself is an attractive driver, refreshingly free of flash or pizzaz. Black pulp fiber cone, foam surround, 2" wide D4 voice coils, standard 12 spoke basket with venting under the spider, and a new logo design on the dustcap. Build quality appears solid and well thought out; clean glue joints, felt pads to eliminate lead slap and quality push terminals. The motor structure is reasonable in size and weight; It's fairly tall being triple stacked magnets but not unreasonably so (6.5" mounting depth), and the motor structure is fairy narrow which helps keep the weight down and makes handling the driver fairly simple. It will initially be installed IB as that is how my trunk is currently configured. I'd like to also be able to test the driver in a sealed enclosure and ideally ported aswell....but we'll see how that all pans out. It will be powered by the bridged rear channels of a MB Quart QAA4250 which will provide approximately 500w @ 8ohm. Rest of the system consists of an Alpine W200, H701 and a Memphis Msync 8" comp set in the kickpanels. Sub duty is currently provided by an Exodus Shiva-X, which works out nicely as both it and the Dcon are in the same price bracket Installed:
  24. Impious

    12" Dcon Review

    Big thanks to Audiolife for whipping out the enclosure in short order. 2.25cuft tuned to 31hz, which is smack in the middle of the "optimal" ported enclosure as listed on the website (which is why this enclosure was chosen). I'll do some listening impressions after I get more listening time.