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Everything posted by Impious

  1. Impious

    New product announcement.

  2. Impious

    1st 2010 Camaro SS with hydraulics - MUST SEE!

    That is a disgrace to Camaros of every generation.....even the ugly one's from the '70s
  3. Impious

    to train a puppy.

    Lies !
  4. It does not affect the level of the channels. But what you might be hearing is a change in frequency response.
  5. I'm not overly familiar with that Pioneer deck, but my intuition would be that you are supposed to measure the difference in distance between the two speakers at the listening position and then use that difference in inches (or centimeters, however you prefer to measure) as the adjustment on the headunit. So, for example, if your left speaker is 24" from your head, and the right speaker is 42" from your head, you would delay the left side by 18". However I've always just done it by ear. It would be very helpful if you had a decent track with reasonable imaging to begin with.
  6. I don't know anything about your alternator, vehicle accessories or how you will end up using your stereo system......but I personally would probably go for the HC1800.
  7. It's one of my pet peeves
  8. Last time I checked, the Sundown 3500 was Xenon. It's Zenon. Xenon was an amplifier line by Phoenix Gold. http://www.zenonaudio.com/logout/company/introduction.htm
  9. Really need to know much more about your stereo before we can assist you in setting time alignment. What speakers are installed, and where are they installed at?
  10. Impious

    6 position jumper

    I use a relay, and run the output of the relay to a barrier strip to distribute the power to my amplifiers. So I say use both
  11. Impious

    Seas CA21REX H1044-04

  12. Impious


    From the album: Seas CA21REX H1044-04

  13. Impious


    From the album: Seas CA21REX H1044-04

  14. Impious


    From the album: Seas CA21REX H1044-04

  15. Impious


    From the album: Seas CA21REX H1044-04

  16. Impious

    Coustic DR-306P

  17. Impious


    From the album: Coustic DR-306P

  18. Impious


    From the album: Coustic DR-306P

  19. Impious


    From the album: Coustic DR-306P

  20. Impious

    Coustic DR-304P

  21. Impious


    From the album: Coustic DR-304P

  22. Impious


    From the album: Coustic DR-304P

  23. Impious


    From the album: Coustic DR-304P

  24. Impious


    From the album: Coustic DR-304P
