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About MysticStyl3z

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  • Location
    Naperville, IL
  1. MysticStyl3z

    SSA iCon, my present, from parents

    actually one of the suburbs, plainfield Haha, nice. I'm right next door in Naperville. Good luck with the icon, I'm hoping to get one soon too. Depending on when I get my new car. If I was you, I would go with a custom box either from someone on here or build one yourself.
  2. MysticStyl3z

    SSA iCon, my present, from parents

    where you at in chicago?
  3. MysticStyl3z

    FI Q15" vs. RDSonance 15"

  4. MysticStyl3z

    Hello from Illinois...

    No, I plan on getting rid of the amp also. I was thinking of going with a AQ 1200d. I hear they are pretty good and you can't beat that price for a new amp.
  5. MysticStyl3z

    Hello from Illinois...

    Hey everyone I'm from Naperville, IL and I'm 18. I'm still learning when it comes to car audio and I'm hoping to learn some more from here. Right now my setup is 2 12" Kicker CVRs pushed by a zx750.1. Yeah, not the best set up at all but I'm looking to upgrade as soon as I get a new car which should be in the next month or 2. I'm pretty much set on a 15" Icon or 15" Q. Basically just looking for something louder and better sounding than my CVRs. Anyways, glad to be here.