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Everything posted by rushnrun

  1. rushnrun

    Home Sick

    somehow I managed to miss your run.... both days... I was in there for hours on end... and still missed it. there were a few smokey cars, I was stuck by that eclipse for two hours... my truck looked smoked out. I gave up on testing until they shut it off.
  2. rushnrun

    Home Sick

    X2 that eclipse was horrible... along with others.... get to feeling better... I feel like Heck myself.... mines lack of sleep for 3 days...
  3. thanks for posting all the info. Nice meeting you out there and hanging out. I had an awesome time at finals. **the drive home seemed like it took forever....
  4. rushnrun

    Rushnrun's Dodge Ram 1500 install

    You shoulda know that I was getting rid of the truck at the end of the season... win or lose
  5. rushnrun

    Rushnrun's Dodge Ram 1500 install

    truck is for sale if anyone is interested. asking $4500 with everything. JVC touch screen dvd 4 Massive P1500.1's 2 Massive DMX 15's My custom burp/daily box tuned to 24hz--the box that I Placed 2nd at finals with 151.7db is the high score at the headrest 3 group 31 batts, 1/0 wiring massive p200.2 mid amp 4 massive px4 speakers truck has two new tires on rear-1000 miles on them--put on to make the trip for finals front tires have only 4000 miles on them runs good, drives good, make it anywhere, alignment is off and needs work--pulls right, transmission-engauges rough like every other dodge out there...
  6. rushnrun

    2009 MECA Drive By SPL 4 World Champion

    You were in that thing all day...
  7. rushnrun

    2009 MECA Drive By SPL 4 World Champion

    congrat's and nice to meet you out there at finals..
  8. rushnrun

    Rushnrun's Dodge Ram 1500 install

    it was good for second at finals 150.9db.... mic seemed to be reading pretty low... I was posting 151.4-151.7 all night on my meter...
  9. rushnrun

    home depot MDF

    my lowes sell a cardboard like mdf and my menards carries a better grade of MDF (don't know what it is-redish color) the grade at lowes has a yellow color to the wood---it's worthless... you can peel it apart...
  10. I leave in an hour... truck is still gutted... I'm still not packed.... throwing everything in the bed and heading out
  11. rushnrun

    SSD12D2 W/ Soundstream XTA880.2

    that soundstream amp doesn't pull enough current to need more than that cap.. you shouldn't have any issues with dimming... (I know, I've had the exact same amp--with a 2 farad massive cap it doesn't dim in the 05 G6 that it's currently in) the amp is only able to do about 600watts and not it's claimed 880... I've tested mine several times and rarely see more than 600 watts at 4 ohm... an OK amp but nothing special... You'll be fine for now, but I see an amp upgrade in the future---the soundstream clips easily as well
  12. my massive P1500.1's run roughly 1500 at 1.5ohm... Tested at 1700+ at 1 ohm on 12v system
  13. I leave out tomorrow morning. truck is gutted... box isn't together, still have to rebuild a woofer... not packed... blew the mids in the truck.. what else isn't right?.... oh yeah left my new mdf outside in the truck lastnight.... it's pooring down rain... I'll be the guy at the show still building
  14. I'll be there if I don't break my gear at finals---if I stop breaking it pre-finals... still down almost a full db... meaning I'm 3 db from where I need to be.
  15. rushnrun


    I need 4db by finals as well
  16. well I changed a bit... 1 more woofer... 1 cube larger box with a slightly larger port.. same power... managed to be down roughly 6 db right now on only half the amps... (had an amp rattle apart so the other pair is non-working at the moment... next season I won't be using the same amprack design.. too many rattles at the low hz..
  17. rushnrun

    93 civic hatch enclosure

    2 Diamond audio D5 10's D4 ohm coils 2 Soundstream EGA1700D Amps strapped 2 Group 31 A batts (in rear) 1 Yellow top under the hood 260 amp custom wound alt (only saw 180ish at 2k rpm--suppose to be 260) 1/0 wire everywhere---all grounds/power under the hood... everything that was ever meant to be a ground was upgraded 2 layer fatmat xtreme 80mil rear cargo area was sprayfoamed under the factory interior panels--solid... if you tapped on the back of the car it was like hitting a brick small box... 2.4 cubes roughly with a very mininmal amount of port I think 45sq in. with my port plug/daily port I could play music at the 148ish db range.. the car was very consistant at the 149-150.5 db range... blew the subs on my 151 run they're only 5 or 600 watt woofers... little car was nasty back in the day
  18. rushnrun

    93 civic hatch enclosure

    wallin a civic hb I miss Hamster (my beloved 92 hatch)151db (sealed on dash) no wall 2-10's and 3.4k on tap
  19. I'm having some weird issue with my truck... I've lost 5db and can't find it..
  20. As the topic title says. I need to custom build a set of RCA cables. I currently am running a TON of Y connectors to get the job done so I want to swap and only have to run one cable that has all the ends I need already soldered inplace. it'd be a 1-in 6 (or 8) out cable My current deck only has one preout-mono sub (with one rca only not a pair) I may split it at a line driver then run a 2-8 cable instead of the 1-8. So far I don't have voltage issues but I'm afraid if I keep Y'ing it off the voltage will become very weak at the amps. So if anyone knows af somewhere cheap and decent to get parts let me know.. I need to get these built ASAP... I think my local radioshack may carry them--I'll check them later today.
  21. rushnrun

    Rushnrun's Dodge Ram 1500 install

    everything is in and mounted... did a test spl run.... ---down 5.5db from my high score and down 3.6 db from the 2-15's that use to be mounted in this box--before I modified it. so a lose lose... doesn't even sound like it's trying to be loud... I've got an issue somewhere.... seeing 2000watts at the amp... not sure what the woofers are seeing--(using a small gauge wire at the moment just for the pre-test before I glue the dustcaps on the woofers--I was checking alignment under power first) the lack of dust caps and small wire shouldn't cost me 5 db... not with an extra woofer in play (I would say it may drop me a couple of tenths but not full DB's)
  22. Thanks... I looked on their site and couldn't find any of those on my own... me being me kept typing rca ends so it yeilded no results
  23. rushnrun

    Rushnrun's Dodge Ram 1500 install

    well being sick has really slowed down the process of this rebuild. Now that I'm feeling a little better it's raining out! grrr.. Box is almost done... heading out to add a couple of braces and one more layer of glass on the port.. then it's party time... (for the box atleast) still have to relocate batts or figure out how the heck I'm gonna fit two more amps in there... all out of wire so I can't rewire much.. don't know if I have time/money to order in any extra...
  24. rushnrun

    Can a Q be built up to handle 2500watts?

    I've done 48's with a single SE 12.... you have box design issues... You don't need that much woofer or that much power to do 150
  25. rushnrun

    solo x OR ???

    Here's the pics you wanted.. Just pulled it out for pics