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Everything posted by RobClay

  1. RobClay

    nooB from NC

    Welcome to ssa
  2. RobClay

    My Sundown came today

    Great Choice
  3. RobClay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Knukonceptz sure has great customer service.
  4. RobClay

    Pics of your pets!

    Name sounds familiar
  5. RobClay

    Pics of your pets!

    ^ lol wow..
  6. RobClay

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to ssa
  7. RobClay

    Will a prefab box work?

    Good. You should know we love pictures here
  8. RobClay

    how does fi btl compare

    He will see a dramatic difference going from one 15" 9500 to one 18" Btl. Assuming he will have enough space for the enclosure
  9. RobClay

    Will a prefab box work?

    Theres no telling what number's youll get, you will have to see once its all set up.
  10. RobClay

    Fi Q w/ BP vs AA Havoc

    Interesting results. Nice comparison and pics of the woofers
  11. RobClay

    Custom Painted DC Audio LV315s

    Good looking box, paint, and woofers
  12. RobClay

    Will a prefab box work?

    Agreed. I would do a double baffle. Btl's are some heavy woofers
  13. RobClay

    how does fi btl compare

    Shut up Rob. No No Lets not take his thread from him
  14. RobClay

    how does fi btl compare

    All this has been solved through pm's.
  15. RobClay


    Nice looking truck. Looks like fun
  16. RobClay

    1996 Exlporer 2DR Sport, MECA S1/S2 Build Log

    Ill be watching this one, sounds like a good build
  17. RobClay


    O. I was under the impression that you "just" ordered them. Still you need to talk to nick about getting it fixed.
  18. RobClay

    how does fi btl compare

    Well difference would depend on if you had the right enclosure for both. In that case the 18's would be quite abit louder. But you will be blown away at how loud btl's can get. imo i would stick with 15's.
  19. RobClay


    You need to email them asap. and get it changed [email protected]
  20. RobClay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=24500 I posted in it
  21. RobClay

    Happy birthday TMAX

    Happy Birthday man
  22. RobClay

    how does fi btl compare

    And the link bromo posted would be a good read for you.
  23. RobClay

    how does fi btl compare

    ok, then ohm choose D2 and as for the rest: Cooling HiXmCoil Daily Universal Dustcap: choose any color you want
  24. RobClay

    how does fi btl compare

    Ye its fine. and you say your wanting 2 btl's? Do you plan on running them both with one amp, or an amp for each?