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Everything posted by RobClay

  1. RobClay

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    Im trying to As soon as i got there they were about to close. And then i got the bad news i have to convert it to checking. But it will be done tomorow
  2. That will be a sight to see Nice vid btw
  3. RobClay

    Parts Express 1000w sub amp

    How much did they cost you + shipping?
  4. RobClay

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    My adventure will have to start tomorow since i have to change my bank account from savings to checking But then its onnn
  5. RobClay

    New guy from NNY

    Welcome to SSA
  6. RobClay

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    Do it Rob! Do it!
  7. RobClay

    I must say........

  8. RobClay

    New guy from south Tx

    Welcome to SSA
  9. RobClay


    Your probably never going to turn that thing down. thats how i am
  10. RobClay

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    I could "maybe" get an xxx vs. the xcon comparison
  11. RobClay


    Welcome to SSA
  12. Lookin Good Anyone ask for a demo up there?
  13. RobClay

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    YES! GOOD! Tomorow im headed that way
  14. RobClay

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    So are they going to be coming in D1's or not?
  15. RobClay


    Welcome to SSA Fi is a great quality company, you wont regret any purchase you make there.
  16. RobClay

    fi good quality???

    Ahh. well lets give this guy his thread back.
  17. RobClay

    fi good quality???

    Whats keeping you from doing that?
  18. RobClay

    fi good quality???

    Well then if you were looking for more of an SQ type of install you shouldnt have chose the btl.
  19. RobClay

    fi good quality???

    All the systems youve most likely heard lack low's. What im saying with your btl. your going to go crazy on how loud they are.
  20. RobClay

    fi good quality???

    I beleive "bass testers" arent the only music that has low bass.
  21. RobClay

    Help me make my decision?

    I personally dont really like AQ subs for the fact they like high tuning. I would try some level 4XL's out.