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Everything posted by RobClay

  1. RobClay

    Back from Germany

    LOL at ausfahrt. Welcome back
  2. RobClay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nice photoshop in your sig btw
  3. RobClay

    Spider In The Enclosure

    Now Vids of it shriveling!
  4. RobClay

    Spider In The Enclosure

    Pics or none of it happened.
  5. RobClay

    Pics of system installed... enjoy!

    Looks good man. Nice car btw
  6. RobClay

    XCONs shipping

    Tellin me, Iv'e been eye ballin the hell out of it! This is great news :D
  7. RobClay

    I want to BUY a new sub : SSA Icon 15

    Ye one of my friends is doing a straight drop in from 2 T1 15's to Icon 15's. Im anxious to see the difference
  8. RobClay

    Mazda Tribute x-con build

    You made a good choice Ready to see this. I ordered a pair of 18's, I cant wait till they come in!
  9. RobClay

    Hey ppl

    Welcome to SSA
  10. RobClay

    Can't decide

    The icons will be more musical as the bl's are a bit louder.
  11. RobClay

    newb from kansas

    Your'e a noob, stop spamming. Mod needs to get em
  12. RobClay

    Using Router

    ^ If this is an attempt to get 25 posts so you can sell something, you are most likely going to fail.. Edit: you will fail
  13. RobClay

    lvl4 vs lvl4xl power wise

    Ive heard people that have done straight dropin's from lvl4's to the xl's and saw a huge difference.
  14. RobClay

    A few more Death Penalty 21 vids

    Hell ye 27-30Hz ftw
  15. RobClay

    A few more Death Penalty 21 vids

    Looks nice and loud Whats the box tuned to?
  16. RobClay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If it's on the window a razor blade always does the trick
  17. RobClay

    My BAD thread

    Ye she's sexy Go for it!
  18. RobClay

    My BAD thread

    What are you waiting for man?? Haha
  19. RobClay

    My BAD thread

    Sounds like you don't really have those kind of feelings for her anymore. I say take a break for awhile and see how it goes.
  20. RobClay

    2 SSA Icons with which Sundown Amp?

    The icons would handle the 2000 like champs
  21. RobClay

    Jay-C76's 2005 Ranger Install

    Box looks good!
  22. RobClay

    2 SSA Icons with which Sundown Amp?

    If i were you i would snag the 2000D on the presale. But either would be a good investment.
  23. RobClay


    ^Rms is 1700
  24. RobClay

    BL + Lows

    Really depends on the enclosure in your case on how well they like the low's.