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Everything posted by RobClay

  1. RobClay


    not like a car trunk.. lol and its called Google Sketchup http://sketchup.google.com/
  2. RobClay


    well the box is going to be pretty high and the port is going to be very close to the trunk. heres a drawing of it i did in sketchup.
  3. RobClay

    MJM 18s are in the wagon

    thats alot of space lol. do you have your back seats down or somthin?
  4. RobClay

    Fi SSD 15" motor

    doesnt this usually happen when the sub has been bottomed out alot?
  5. RobClay

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    That's strange that you mention that, because "numerology" is big in the occult world, and that's what doing that is. Seeing numerological significances in things. I think they use it because you can hide meanings in words or events using numbers, and those people with the "code", will understand a different meaning from the content than someone who can only read the words. Here's an interesting site that tells you some interesting things about your name using numerology: http://www.paulsadowski.com/NameData.asp Here's an interesting page about the numerology associated with 911: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardt...ade_centers.htm It's pretty cool when you look into it! the first link is pretty cool i typed my name and all of it describes me to the dot Yah mine was accurate too. Pretty crazy eh yes very accurate. it amazed me.. :clap:
  6. RobClay


    so how does it sound with the port facing up?, im thinking about doing that with my 18's but i dont want to lose any loudness or anything
  7. RobClay

    MJM 18s are in the wagon

    most likely your port is too close to your hatch, trunk etc..
  8. RobClay

    Fi Bl recone

  9. RobClay

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    That's strange that you mention that, because "numerology" is big in the occult world, and that's what doing that is. Seeing numerological significances in things. I think they use it because you can hide meanings in words or events using numbers, and those people with the "code", will understand a different meaning from the content than someone who can only read the words. Here's an interesting site that tells you some interesting things about your name using numerology: http://www.paulsadowski.com/NameData.asp Here's an interesting page about the numerology associated with 911: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardt...ade_centers.htm It's pretty cool when you look into it! the first link is pretty cool i typed my name and all of it describes me to the dot
  10. RobClay

    Conspiracy Theorist take on Lupe's 3 album titles

    He seems nice...
  11. he said "For a daily commute, I'd like for it to sound nice. I want what has been described as a "warm" sound. Nothing to high or "crisp" but I also want the ability to make it loud during the summer or if I am out with my friends. If this is not possible, let me know. I am new to this admittedly." i looked up his type of car, it looks like he would have plenty of room for one of the 2.
  12. hm. i think either one 15" fi Q or 1 12" ported, its a sound quality sub, and can get pretty loud
  13. RobClay

    FI BL Sub Box Help

    or this one http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/home/in...calculatorflash
  14. it sounds like your just wanting a nice sounding system, everything even and mixed well together correct? but then you said you want it to get loud. which one is it?
  15. RobClay

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    Are those nightshades d1's? and are you running your amp at 1ohm
  16. RobClay

    Im here from CAC, and ROE

    welcome to ssa
  17. RobClay

    Fi Sub's

    Get em
  18. RobClay

    Fi Sub's

    Have no clue.
  19. RobClay

    Dual 15" Common Chamber Enclosure:

    haha when do you plan to start building it?
  20. RobClay

    Fi Sub's

  21. RobClay

    Plz help with setup. 15" Bl

    yes add cooling and flatwind. i doubt your gonna need an extra battery. whats your electrical look like right now?
  22. RobClay

