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Everything posted by RobClay

  1. RobClay


    maybe if it was just sittin outside in -20 degree weather, your sub will be just fine
  2. RobClay

    MJ 18ms got meterd on the TL

    you used a drill bit smaller than the screw right? i just use a drill bit thats as big as the tip of the screw, so its got plenty of wood to bite on and also keeps it from going anywhere else
  3. RobClay

    MJ 18ms got meterd on the TL

    nice score what song/tone was used?
  4. RobClay

    Josh's Mazda Overhaul

    its just the way the camera picks up the sound, all are different. and that sucks about the camera thing lol
  5. RobClay

    Fi Sub's

  6. RobClay

    Josh's Mazda Overhaul

    you need to finish your build and find a camera
  7. RobClay

    Does this program work?

    dang that sucks. id be pretty pissed
  8. RobClay

    Going Fi

    i would get a good battery up front, and the big 3 but other than that you should be fine
  9. RobClay

    Going Fi

    6cuft @ 32Hz
  10. RobClay

    Going Fi

    ok i saw you listen to rap, what are your max dimensions you have in your car?
  11. RobClay

    Going Fi

    lol they will tell you that man. you tell them about any company they dont know they say things like "o nah those arent good try this amp IVE got" dont listen to them their mostly trying to make a sale
  12. i would say for the kind of music you listen to, i would go with 2 15" fi q's in a sealed box
  13. RobClay

    November Sale Items -

    sounds good
  14. RobClay

    Fi Sub's

    Went down again.
  15. RobClay

    November Sale Items -

    anymore things?
  16. ye i use Eset nod32 antivirus, and spysweeper. i never get any viruses. norton caused trouble in the past, slows down your comp quite a bit
  17. although viruses can hide in picture files, im sure norton will catch them if there is any. and when you do actually put the cd into your new computer go to Start>Computer> right click the cd picture> click scan with norton antivirus
  18. RobClay

    2 BL 15"

    ok so you have 2 in there right now, go ahead and cut those to 9.91" in length then cut 2 more 9.91" long pvc ports for a total of 4 4" ports at 9.91" in length. it will set your tuning to about 35Hz
  19. RobClay

    Does this program work?

    take some pics of some stuff up there if you can.
  20. RobClay

    Now Playing!

    np: Dem get away boyz - Roommate
  21. RobClay

    New AA SMD Woofer

    ahh i see. so most likely be keeping the amps he has now
  22. RobClay

    2 BL 15"

    lol ok. what are you using for your ports? like did you make them with a pipe or something? if you have a picture of your box it would help out too
  23. RobClay

    2 BL 15"

    im saying you need more ports. what kind of music do you listen to? and what did you use for the ports? (pvc pipe etc..)
  24. RobClay

    2 BL 15"

    depends on what you mean by "right". but what is the length of the 2 ports? going inside of the box. for 2 bl 15's id say you need atleast 2 more or maybe 3