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Everything posted by RobClay

  1. RobClay

    Finally Ordered My Amp

    what he said^ everyone you talk to on here will tell you that. you cant go wrong with buying one
  2. RobClay

    $450 budget

    you dont have to have 2k to run a btl. but if you have the money i would go for somthing like that. you could get a 1k amp and set your gains right and be fine. just clearing that up so noone attacks you jason.
  3. RobClay

    nitro audio

    how much are you paying for both subs? and for rap id tune around 30or32
  4. RobClay

    Sig's are here! updated

    haha ye i know
  5. RobClay

    Sig's are here! updated

    i have a sig i made i would like to share. if its ok to post it here the picture http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l205/Raz...06/gotbass2.png
  6. RobClay

    pherz1er's build log.

    nice build
  7. RobClay

    12"BTL or 15"BTL

  8. RobClay

    12"BTL or 15"BTL

    o. didnt see that he was planning on putting it between the seats. ^ scratch my post up there
  9. RobClay

    12"BTL or 15"BTL

    or http://www.knukonceptz.com/productMaster.c...ry=KLMX%20Kable $1.75/ft
  10. RobClay

    Fi Sub's

    Well if it all falls through then make a build log
  11. RobClay

    Fi Sub's

    Prices have dropped but shipping is not in price.
  12. RobClay

    Sig's are here! updated

    got any of ascendant audio, maybe with a havoc in the background? like the whole sig kind of a dark/mysterious if you get what im saying haha
  13. RobClay

    Welcome to the IHoP

  14. RobClay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Alot of weddings
  15. RobClay

    nitro audio

    heres you a sub http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=23031
  16. RobClay

    12" fi q in reg cab s10 with leg room!

    that looks great. nice job on the box. :clap:
  17. RobClay

    nitro audio

    i would say a nice 15/12 sealed or ported with a quality sub would do very good
  18. RobClay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ah man Ah man. Cant wait for thanksgiving
  19. RobClay

    Fi Sub's

    IB Subs
  20. RobClay

    Q18s... not very loud

    whats your amp settings set to?
  21. RobClay

    nitro audio

    ive had some experience with power bass, they are decent.. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_7017_P...ass+S-12D.html#
  22. RobClay

    Car dampening?

    its a brand
  23. RobClay

    2 15's Setup 2400watts. updated

    decided to snap a couple pics today while we were chillin. ill have some vids soon hopefully so yall can see what it can do