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Everything posted by Pezzaboi

  1. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Sundown amps are pretty expensive now in the UK like the pound is fudgeed up so hmmm,, Would any of you guys stick one of these to you 15 bp Q? http://caraudiosecurity.com/shop/product/p...ts_id/8927.html http://caraudiosecurity.com/shop/product/p...ts_id/8920.html Cheers
  2. Pezzaboi

    2 DP21"s

    You havn't countersunk head of screws? is reason for this :S ? Otherwise.... BEAST!
  3. Pezzaboi

    SAE-1200D SALE! $350 till March 31 ONLY!

    Is there any way i can hold of one of these in the UK
  4. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    What fixings (As in screws i take it) do you guys use on ya Fi sub to fix to enclosure!? and do you use any sealent on the gasket ?
  5. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    quick guys!
  6. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Before i go and poke and cut holes thru the surround, or is it possible to just screw through :S might pull surround in though i have line them up with gasket!
  7. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Just some more photo's guys, the holes are blocked, and i see that it is the surround that runs up to the lip. and is quite hard to cut thru so. yeh. this will not affect the sub badly will it
  8. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Cool, i'll do that, forget them budget things, i got the scrilla yeh i'll just cut or remove anyhow that glue stuff in the metal holes, then line it up cheers
  9. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    or take the rubber off completely and remove glue
  10. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Yes the rubber seal thing around the edge....., has holes in. i think the metal does too, but its filled with black glue sealent stuff Do these need to be in line? and unblock holes?
  11. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    So the plastic kinda thing around the edge needs moving untill i can see thru? What screws you recommend using to fix it, any sealent?
  12. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Thanks for telling me Do they come like this, you just drill through i take it? just dont wanna damge the sub This is on the surround BTW
  13. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Okey dokey, pretty much sorted, You may think this is nooby but, yeh Correct me if im wrong, but if you run a 1000 Watt amp at 50% gain, i take it that means it is "roughly" producing 500 Watts?
  14. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    What you think? Sound good? Enlosure! - Sealed - Inch Height - 17 Width - 25 Depth - 13 Wood Thickness - 0.75 inch MDF Give 2.424 ^3 Volume - 0.19 Speaker Displacement = 2.234 OR! Enlosure! - Sealed - Inch Height - 20 Width - 28 Depth - 10 Wood Thickness - 0.75 inch MDF Give 2.412 ^3 Volume - 0.19 Speaker Displacement = 2.222
  15. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Think you could quickly throw some number together looking fro around the 2.2-2.4 ^3 With disp
  16. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    What shape box is best for a sealed single 15 "
  17. Pezzaboi


    Whats the Rush im sure its worth it Many will back me
  18. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Is anything over 2.6 ^3 Ft. defo to big for a Q 15" With BP LOL! anyway this is my first box! I have to make another, does it look ok? bad pics because it's off my phone from work
  19. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

  20. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Well sounds good too me, i think i'd get the 1500 though cuz will give me the extra headroom! I just need a nice front stage, not too hard for a newbie. i realise when loud might get drowned but not that bothered, when im just out and about i'll have bass down anyway! but stock speaker will get p00ned for sure While im on here, anyone know of like the UK verison of fisher custom boxes. i can't seem to find anyone who makes quality boxes, i have made my own sealed but it came out to 3 ^3, cuz i was lazy when checking lol and thats way to big for Q
  21. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Do any of these get close to sundown? - HERTZ-EP1D - DIAMOND-D31000.1- - US-AMPS-MD1D If not then i'll just have to wait abit. would anyone recommend these? ------- > ALPINE-SPR-13S Cheers
  22. Pezzaboi

    FI Q 15" w/bp BOX HELP

    Depending on the Enclosure! But it just extra cooling basically i think, i would give it 1200-1300, as i have mine just need to get it all set-up im running same sub! (soon hopfully) just bear in mind its made to handle 1000, but has had mods to help it take higher power
  23. Pezzaboi

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    Just want to know what you guys think of Orion amps, as they are pretty damn cheap - I'm thinking the D2400