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Everything posted by Punkeyboozter

  1. Punkeyboozter

    Please check my tuning.

    im not sure if im miss understanding you guys but; are you asking the front baffle thickness? if so it will be 1" while the rest of the box will be .75" ill be using threaded rod for bracing. the local shop call the thickness MT10 whatever that means. Looks to be about 10mm so maybe that is it. mind sharing what the correction factor is and how it affects the settup? is my port the right size? I have heard people saying to go for a 29" total lenght port. thx for your input just to add I used the SSA slotbox tool on here if that will help.
  2. Punkeyboozter

    Top 5 SQ Subs

    IDMax JL w6 Scanspeak 9" rainbow Vanadium these are the more poppular ones around here any way
  3. Punkeyboozter

    Project Raab - the project that never ends

    mad props.. Come down to Singapore now!! ill buy the Beers
  4. Punkeyboozter

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    saz 1200 or 1500 and call it the day
  5. Punkeyboozter

    Please check my tuning.

    BUMP please i need help with this and also what do you guys seggest for bracing ...stainless steel or Brass threaded rod what thicknes in terms of mm>? planning to start building next wknd. come on guys pls review my plans to see if they are any good...
  6. Punkeyboozter

    Andy from the UK :]

    not sure, but subs up port back should work good for you
  7. Punkeyboozter

    steve meades speaker wire

    just for intrest sake while we are on the subject .. pushing 3000 RMS to 2 fi BL;s will 1.5 meter or so of 8guage be ok? planning to use threaded rod as terminals.
  8. Punkeyboozter

    A pillar location Not just for tweets

    hey, just thouht Ill add to this. Im from half way around the world and the guys here hardly ever do kicks or door pods. maybe you can draw some inpiration from these http://www.sgsoundsystem.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2729
  9. Punkeyboozter

    HU selection

    ended up getting the 7200. Works nice sounds great, but it aitn easy to use. The buttons and every thing just seem to work different to what you are used too. Id compare it to Linux if you were using Windows. you need to hold the off button for 1 sec just to off the thing. appart from that I give it 4 stars. comes with rear USB and rear AUX. this essentially eliminates the use of a the i-pod controller but you dont get to control your ipod from there unless you spend the extra money on it. all and all a happy customer
  10. Hi guys. As the topic states. below is what I have considdered so far pls give advice .. feel free to add and give a reason. preffer not to get processor just yet. system will be used for 2-way active. eclipse 7200 MK II (this is what i wanted to get but now people say its not all that) Price around s$1050 alpine 9887 around $800 singapore dollar clarion D2 (price not sure and the ugliest of the bunch) Pioneer DEX-P90RS (looks promising but way over budget and no-one here have it, so that i can audit it. s$1500)
  11. Punkeyboozter

    Alternator Question

    Might want to look into a Sundown Audio Nightshade..They're made for that amp and get stupid loud. I hear they're louder than BTL's too apparently sound pretty good 2
  12. Punkeyboozter

    HU selection

    great that is a nice deck to considder. I take it you are reffering to this unit... P880PRS? do you know if this one is having the copper chasis?
  13. Punkeyboozter

    HU selection

    Apparently the P90 needs a processor to work so looks like it will be the eclipse then. thx for all the replies.
  14. Punkeyboozter

    Alternator Question

    i think with those amps you would be better off getting the BL's plus they have free cooling now that saves you another $40 p/sub BTL will play nice of a Saz 3000D But to get to your guestion a 1500 will work nicely of a 140 Amps alt. for a single 3000D a 200 amp alt will work nice with an upgraded battery. **Remember what might be said to be the best, might not always be the best for you. The BTL will also play nice off of the 1500. 140 amp alt should be ok for the 1500. Make sure your battery is also strong. If you have any other amps you might consider getting an additional battery. correct it will play just fine but the bl are sepossedly optimized for that kind of power. I suppose it does leave some headroom for future upgrading
  15. Punkeyboozter

    Alternator Question

    i think with those amps you would be better off getting the BL's plus they have free cooling now that saves you another $40 p/sub BTL will play nice of a Saz 3000D But to get to your guestion a 1500 will work nicely of a 140 Amps alt. for a single 3000D a 200 amp alt will work nice with an upgraded battery. **Remember what might be said to be the best, might not always be the best for you.
  16. Punkeyboozter

    12"BTL or 15"BTL

    saz 3000d and nothing else. if you have the space go with the 15 if not the 12
  17. Punkeyboozter

    Fi Sub's

    funny no one mentioned the free cooling option.. or is it only on the BL's .... this alone saves you $40 will be getting two as soon as my alternator get shipped so i can test it first.. other wise the bank might come and take my car then no more alt or BL's
  18. Punkeyboozter

    Noob needs SQ suggestion from the pros

    really? what audison was it? link? 4 sure not the thesis... anyway. i was contenplating if i should go with the sundown or the 450/4 from JL ...maybe i just stick to my cheapo opti drive ..it does the job but my a$$ always itchy haha
  19. Punkeyboozter

    SPL Box in a sedan Help

    looks like your trunk is sealed? if that is right; that will explain it ...no? also you test using seats up or down? good score for a trunk non the less
  20. Punkeyboozter

    SPL Box in a sedan Help

    seeing that you guys like to talk chit... i fart 80 DB's so far; i have had best results with port back subs back in my trunk as well. never had the chance to try any other config cos this is the only way the box will fit in
  21. Punkeyboozter

    Noob needs SQ suggestion from the pros

    Seeing as though most home audio drivers are meant for larger enclosured than most car audio drivers....there are a few other differances.... as for an EQ...no you don't need one...but a crossover is a must....another differance between active and passive is you have total control with an active system...unlike passives which are set by the manufactures just to add to all the good answers here... active is the way to go but to do this you must make sure you have a H/U or processor that can run active whi;le also having a channel free for each speaker you are planning to drive. ie for 2-way actie you will need a 4ch amp not including you sub amp
  22. Punkeyboozter

    Noob needs SQ suggestion from the pros

    Have you read that link I gave you? This is one place where listening to as much stuff out there is a good idea...gives you an idea what you like, and what you'd like to avoid... there are loads of good brands and products from a lot of company's. I suppose it comes down to your budget. the trick is the get things that complement each other. Im no pro on SQ but the SQ people around here like to use some of these things AMPS; sinfoni Milbert Genesis Audison ZED TRU Technology Components; morel seas lotus rainbow scanspeak hertz some even use Usher home speakers hope this helps almost 4got.. also focal BE speakers very popular
  23. Punkeyboozter

    Noob needs SQ suggestion from the pros

    Have you read that link I gave you? This is one place where listening to as much stuff out there is a good idea...gives you an idea what you like, and what you'd like to avoid... there are loads of good brands and products from a lot of company's. I suppose it comes down to your budget. the trick is the get things that complement each other. Im no pro on SQ but the SQ people around here like to use some of these things AMPS; sinfoni Milbert Genesis Audison ZED TRU Technology Components; morel seas lotus rainbow scanspeak hertz some even use Usher home speakers hope this helps
  24. Punkeyboozter

    4 door lambo pics

    BAD idea, besides real sports cars only have two doors.
  25. Punkeyboozter

    Noob needs SQ suggestion from the pros

    if you like to keep your stock headunit look into something like a RF 360.2 or a alpine 701 but at the end of they it will be best to get a good HU or at least a good shuttle.