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Everything posted by Punkeyboozter

  1. Punkeyboozter

    Box Designers

    There are a few ways you can go about this. the easiest would be to get the availeble space. then use basebox pro a free app to determine port size and lenght. then just built something to those specs.
  2. Punkeyboozter

    Sundown Singapore.

    Thats great . Thanks guys
  3. Punkeyboozter

    Sundown Singapore.

    Great customer service. The Distibutor *edit(delivered) the amp of right at my door. Needless to say I am one happy customer. But and a Big BUT there is a black mark on my power terminal ??? I know it is possible during the connection of the amp while testing but is this something I should be worried about? I will install Friday and if it works then I suppose i would be happy yet again, but im just worried if it may cause problems down the line.? is this something to be concerned about?
  4. Punkeyboozter

    One loud Trunk

    Pics or it didt happen
  5. Punkeyboozter

    Sundown Singapore.

    good to hear that, was a bit worried. BTW you may send eric some shirts So I can wear it with pride. Any idea on the price of the shirts? The Boss said no need to worry but here is the pic any way
  6. Punkeyboozter

    Punkey's Build Log

    Amen :bigclap:
  7. Punkeyboozter


  8. Punkeyboozter

    Punkey's Build Log

    Damn how i wish I had one of these Thanks Ohio Gen and Guss for being the only people willing to help me from halfway around the word Fuses that cost more then any one in their right mind should pay. mandatory amp pic. Thanks Sundown Singapore as this is about the only item that didnt need importing.
  9. Punkeyboozter

    Wzup everybody

    to answer your question crownvic .. this is what i asked for
  10. Punkeyboozter

    Punkey's Build Log

    I would upload more pics but photobucket is again
  11. Punkeyboozter

    Wzup everybody

    hey welocome. I see your system is already gangster ..so what power you bring here?
  12. Punkeyboozter

    Sundown Singapore.

    yeah I hope so. Its a saz 3000d if it will make any difference. guess its time to update my buildlog
  13. Punkeyboozter

    My Future Set-up (I Hope)

    some use t-nuts but wood scresw will work fine for most part of it. also no need to add anything as an gasget is already provided
  14. Punkeyboozter

    Fi Q vs Havoc 15 drop in comparison

    its friday 2day. I take it the test will be done over the wknd?
  15. Punkeyboozter

    OPTI series...zed made??

    im running a 2000D apparently some things are still the same but on other parts i highly doubt it. I mean for a 2000RMS amp they only gie a 4 guage power input. it does clean pawa and lots of it but I will have to say its not the most reliable amps on the market. If you can find a old one go for it. in fact with lanzar the older the amp you can find the better it would be.
  16. Punkeyboozter

    Sundown E8 Tline

    i dont care what it sounds like it looks really sick lol. 5 points for creativity. If it doesnt work you can use it as an art piece
  17. Punkeyboozter

    Punkey's Build Log

    Managed to get a good deal on SP so my frnd helped me out. He cant speak a word of english but he knows his chit. And he cuts the roundest circles with a jig that I have ever seen EVER.. doors getting prepped at the same place. here I started ripping things out in no particilar order. here is an old pic of the gear that was in the car an old VS new Pic more pics coming soon cos I've been skimping of work to get things done over the festive season.
  18. Punkeyboozter

    stupid shallow doors

    6.5" 2-Way component set Mid: Stamped 6.5" Crossover: EX-480 24 dB. Elliptic 2-Way Built-in Image enhancement Tweeter design Tweeter: TW-25S 1" silk twtr Power Handling: 160 watt RMS 100Hz high-pass Frequency Response: 60-20kHz Sensitivity: 92.3 dB Impedance: 4Ohm Surface & Flush mount Tweeter with the stock crossover you get a very wide soundstage and will be good for most people and its the safest way to go when whacking. Just went active recently and it made them sound even better.
  19. Punkeyboozter

    New VS Old saz 3000d

    thanks for all the imput guys. looks like ill be having the old model after all.
  20. Punkeyboozter

    New VS Old saz 3000d

    Hi Sundown or whoever can help me. A few questions. What is the main differnces between the new and old amp? How long can a amp be in a shop before it go's bad. The thing is; they dont sell any of these amps as most people here are into SQ. Im just worried I buy the thing and it gives me troubles.
  21. Punkeyboozter

    New VS Old saz 3000d

    ok started it. More pics coming soon. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=24035
  22. Punkeyboozter

    Fi Q vs Havoc 15 drop in comparison

    Will this be an SPL test between 2 SQ subs? Should be intresting non the less. Subscribed
  23. Punkeyboozter

    New VS Old saz 3000d

    Any one who would make fun of your build (no matter how big or small) is a small person. as far as the logos.. can you wipe em off? or are they etched in? never looked not sure if they are etched in either. Then I will start my buildlog. truth is its been going on for a while but ill start posting in a while. ... and if any one say something ill let you deal with them hehe
  24. Punkeyboozter

    New VS Old saz 3000d

    Agreed on the model number... I would prefer no model number at all actually... x2 other people dont need to know what you are running. In fact the less they know the better for the safety of your gear
  25. Punkeyboozter

    New VS Old saz 3000d

    Ok then Ill go ahead as it still comes with 2 year warrenty. The reason why I am asking is cos the electrolite in some capicitors make them corrode and eventually fail. on the pics it will appear that the old one also have a slightly lower profile which would be great for my limited space in my Jap tin. Serios in small cars centimeters matter..some of you probably know that already. How about a small build log? ...just something simple so not sure if its worth posting without being made fun off